Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How To Add Cheats For Gpsphone Without A Computer

In defense of the proposed Education Act

In these 10 years of Bolivarian process, education has been a major social investment priorities driven by the revolutionary government of Hugo Chávez. Proof of this is to have exceeded 7% of GDP in education investment, recommendation UNDP to address the Millennium Development Goals in education.

In this sense, since it was banned tuition fees in public educational institutions, the rate of schooling at all levels has increased significantly, so are hundreds of new educational institutions (including Simoncitos, schools and colleges) have been built in this decade.

Moreover, the educational missions have meaning from its inception, overcoming a huge social debt inherited from the Fourth Republic, a fact acknowledged by international institutions which highlights the UNESCO. Mission Robinson literacy meant more than 1.5 million countrymen, and completion of primary education of hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans. Ribas Mission has involved the pursuit of undergraduate studies, thousands of compatriots who were excluded for the unpopular policies of the oligarchy. Thanks to the Mission Sucre Mission and Culture, higher education has been crowded as never before, starting a municipally process it. Also

Bolivarian process through the opening of new universities and the increased enrollment of others has turned Venezuela into the second country in the continent with regard to the proportion of higher education students, special mention is the creation of the UBV, Cuba-Venezuela agreements and the expansion of UNEFA the UNESR, the UNELLEZ, among others.

A fact that has reduced at all levels the negative phenomenon of school dropout, has been the policy of scholarships and grants driven by the revolutionary government. Thanks to the economic incentives given in the Educational Missions and FUNDAYACUCHO scholarship program, the Venezuelan men and women, especially those with more limited resources, have been able to continue with their studies.

But beyond these political and educational infrastructure development, a fact that has allowed the development of our education in recent times has been the substantial improvement in the national economic situation, because the best actions to reduce the dropout rate is increasing the purchasing power of the popular sectors and the reduction of unemployment, so no one (especially children and adolescents) has to leave school to go to work.

However, despite much progress in education, the Bolivarian process has not been able to advance deeper changes, due among other things, lack of legislation that is in tune with the principles established in the Bolivarian Constitution of the year 99 and the Simón Bolívar National Project. Even today, after 10 years revolutionary government still has the Organic Law of Education (LOE), enacted in 1980.

The various political trends experienced over the last decade and harassment of the opposition have delayed an ongoing debate fortunately today, the discussion of a new Organic Law of Education. This discussion is vital, because from the enactment of the same may be discussed more specific laws such as the Special Law of basic education or special law of higher education.

In a revolutionary process must be transformed in profound education because it is one of the main factors of ideological reproduction. A revolution can not be developed in time, if education continues to reproduce the values \u200b\u200bof the old society.

Education is one of the fundamental areas where you develop the New Man and New Woman, otherwise we will be leaving the enemies of the revolution in the field of education, which will result in a historic setback sooner or later.

For this reason, the discussion is taking place today around the new LOE is mobilizing various sectors of the opposition who want to avoid at all costs the enactment thereof. Right and imperialism are aware of the importance of education for the maintenance of status quo. Again they are using the old arguments of the threats to parental rights, religion, to education plural without an "ideology" for university autonomy.

Similarly, the process forces have once again demonstrated its inability in communication and propaganda, so their tactic is still the defensive, leaving the initiative to the right. This is dangerous because it could again delay the enactment of the new LOE if the opposition manages to mobilize large sectors of society, so the revolutionary forces are forced to raise their levels of mobilization to support this initiative of the late National Assembly.

LOE's proposal approved in first reading in the NA, are important contributions that will bring all of our educational system to the current constitutional and institutional legitimacy on the other hand certain extraordinary policies on education has promoted the Bolivarian process, mainly we refer to the Educational Missions.

Among the issues that we highlight these in the proposed LOE, include the following:

1. A new philosophical and political framework that allows the development of new principles and values \u200b\u200brelevant to the construction of a new education: liberating, critical, humanistic, oriented to national development and the supreme social happiness.

2. Reaffirmation of the role of the state as guarantor of preserving Teacher education as a universal human right and fundamental social duty, inalienable. In this sense, is assured of free education up to university degree level.

3. Governing bodies in education will ensure the optimal development and functioning of educational missions.

4. Incorporation of People's Power players in the management of education, taking into account the principle of social responsibility. In this sense, it promotes the Social in educational policy.

5. Se establece de forma nítida, el carácter laico de la educación, lo cual implica la no intervención de la iglesia en el sistema educativo público. Este principio favorece a las minorías religiosas y sectores no creyentes históricamente vejados por el catolicismo hegemónico. Por otro lado este principio reserva a la familia la orientación religiosa.

6. La equidad de género es enunciada como principio que garantiza la igualdad de condiciones y oportunidades en el acceso a una educación de calidad e integral a todos y todas durante toda la vida.

7. Se establecen controles a los Medios de Comunicación para que estos sean partícipes de la formación de la población, por through educational programming. In this order prohibiting the incitement of hatred in educational spaces and media.

8. The public and private companies are required to give all facilities to promote the union of study and work. On the other hand are forced public and private companies in construction, has build quality educational institutions.

9. Student Councils are established and new organizations in which the student must be pooled to strengthen participatory democracy within educational institutions.

10. Domestic life becomes democratic institutions education, with the inclusion in the educational community and the university community workers and administrative staff. From now on workers and employees may have a greater role and participation in defining policies in educational institutions.

11. University autonomy is assumed and respected in all areas according to the statement in the constitution. But establishing controls that relativize the administrative autonomy, through the national comptroller, social control and supervision exercised by the state. This is very important, because until now, universities have become black boxes (remember the budget of the autonomous universities in some cases higher than some governors), where resources are squandered and enrich a few professorial mafia families.

12. The teaching career and job security of professional education is fully guaranteed and reaffirmed, both in public and in private.

For these reasons, the Venezuelan people should be mobilized to support the enactment of a new Organic Law of Education, which is clearly more democratic, more participatory, more advanced than previous LOE.

unmasks the new lies that you are using the right and imperialism to torpedo the new initiative of the Bolivarian Process.

LOE's proposal should be discussed in all areas with the working class, women, youth. All the people should take this legislative proposal contributing to its spread and development.

Construction Socialist Youth SurVersiva Genre with Class, draft dodgers, social networking


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