Sunday, January 2, 2011

Water Makes Mouth Dry?

Chirimia Do2

From the theoretical calculations for the length of a shawm, whose note the lower Do2 established by the above expression, we obtain the result of 1,299 m / m in length, himself and to correct the pitch, has provided the possibility to modify the adjustment slider Tudella in a range of 25 m / m. since we assume that the theoretical speed of propagation of sound through air is 340 meters per second and yet we push the air has a temperature, humidity and molecular composition difficult to determine and alter the speed, I decided to build somewhat shorter, ie the 1,260 m / m as indicated in a previous article.
next step and necessary, simultaneous with the drilling logs, is to determine the tongue model is able to have good performance in each of the frequencies, at least one eighth (130.81 Hz to 261.63 Hz), remains unknown at this time the true extent of registration of the instrument; therefore I have selected 19 different models of tabs and other 9 models purchased in stores, they have all been tuned to reproduce the note Si2 (no holes have been drilled tuning), hoping to find among them the right model.


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