Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jcpenney Prices Color

IV Poster Design Contest Official XVI International Festival Folk Plasencia

The Department of Culture Plasencia City Council presented the bases of the fourth competition for the design of the official poster of the XVI International Festival Folk Plasencia this year. In the previous edition, a total of 28 works from Culture and expects the same answer, "I hope that participation remains as high as in other editions ." Flor Prieto said. The author must capture Festival facts or references in the proposal, intended to be used as the official image of the contest in the outdoor advertising campaign. The works presented will be Free technical design and wherever possible their reproduction. As for the awards, has established a single prize of 500 euros. The delivery period starts today, March 31 and runs through April 29 .


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Civic 08 License Plate Frames

Concert for Unai Hontiyuelo

Hontiyuelo Unai Alvarez, with only eight years, has had the misfortune face the meningococcal sepsis. He joined the University Hospital of Valladolid, and has since been undergoing a difficult process numerous surgical doctor. Unai, despite his young age, is a fighter who did not give up, but already suffering the consequences are already very serious: both legs amputated below the knees, severe kidney damage and amputation of the last days two fingers.

Given the perilous state and the doctors feared for his life, Unai was taken to La Paz Hospital in Madrid, where have all the services needed to treat its numerous sequels: Nephrology Unit, for care of their kidneys, burn units, Plastic Surgery y Reconstructiva para las piernas y demás cicatrices del cuerpo.

Sus padres, Ángel y Beatriz, tienen en todo momento el apoyo de su familia, pero su complicada situación económica está dificultando, aún más, este duro proceso. Beatriz no trabaja y Ángel ha tenido que solicitar baja laboral para ocuparse en todo momento de Unai, por lo que los ingresos mensuales son extremadamente exiguos. Hacer frente a los gastos del traslado a Madrid para estar ceca de Unai, por tiempo aún indeterminado, es una carga casi imposible para esta familia Vallisoletana.

La fundación Irene Megías contra la Meningitis ha launched a fundraising campaign that will go entirely to the family Hontiyuelo Álvarez.

The account in La Caixa is enabled: 2100-2351-12-0200252688 and BBV: 0182-6551-91-0201588155

* The concert will be held on 10 April 2011 the 19.00 h. (Donation € 5) at the Civic Center Iuelmo José M ª (c / Armuña 3) of Valladolid. Act María Salgado, Peter and Friends and Spain. Leo Presents Harlem.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

R/c Car With Snow Plow

WITOLD LUTOSLAWSKI - (1995) Little Suite


Lutoslawski is a composer like few others, and although somewhat convoluted name to scare the novice amateur in musical matters, no doubt it is an urgent recommendation. I still remember sitting in the theater, with the vertigo of my platform from the second floor watching the older heads of the musicians, feeling each note, each color with its hue.


01 Symphonic Variations

Mala suita
02 Pipe
03 Hurra Polka
04th Cell
Dance Symphony No.
. 2
06th I. hesitant
07th II. Direct

08th I
09th II
10th III
11. IV

Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra
Piotr Paleczny, piano
Directed by: Antonin

Links: (APE - CUE - Log)

1 2 3

Pass: Edelca

How Many Calories In Stir Fry Vegetables

Study tabs Model 8

This model has been acquired in a music shop, ignoring the data on their origin and manufacturer

Monday, March 21, 2011

Best Lens And Camera To Be A Paparazzi

the Japanese people

Japanese all these publications, especially the followers, I sent a loving embrace, I wish speedy recovery.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Male To Be Complete Female

Blower for a bagpipe

En la construcción de la gaita o versión "sac de gemecs", quedaban algunos elementos pendientes de realizar y entre ellos se encuentra el tubo soplador o soplete with a corresponding check valve air. It is traditionally built with a small portion of fine leather and fastened with a nail, in this case I've built with some slight modifications consist of replacing the traditional leather, a synthetic material called Skay, very flexible material and is not affected moisture, is easily reachable by any upholsterer used extensively in the upholstery of chairs and furniture, as an attachment, I have replaced the metal nail, a screw and washer, metal also 3 m / m diameter, can be used as a substitute, a 1 / 8 Whitworth, whose thread is the highest step and in any case preferably Stainless steel or brass, if we want to minimize the effects of corrosion due to moisture.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Runtime Error 2010

LEON THOMAS - (1972) Blues and the Soulful Truth


Leon Thomas climbs quickly to the top of my preferences music when I want to enjoy a good groove do not drop your music. With a free spirit and emphasizing the blues, Thomas gets the party by itself, puts the music, the drinks, the girls and even the topic of conversation. Excellent.


01. Let's go down to Lucy
02. LOVE
03. Gypsy Queen
04. Love Each Other
05. Shape Your Mind to Die
06. Boom-boom-boom
07. China Doll
08. CC Rider

Links (FLAC - CUE - Log - Scans)


2 3 4

Pass: Edelca

Friday, March 11, 2011

Curtains That Match Green Walls

Study tabs model 7

exposed The model I bought in a shop of musical instruments, ignoring any other information about its origin, manufacturer and manufacturing process.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Evinrude Sportwin 9.5 Hp


"FETEN FETEN " is the new project Jorge Arribas Music and Diego Galaz, fellow The Musgaña and members of other bands like Celtic , Zoobazar , Taper Duel, Mastretta, etc. The tunes that we propose are almost entirely original compositions by both musicians, and we suggest a trip through popular music, traditional or even cabaret, and various other styles that have influenced this amazing duo.

Waltzes, fandangos, boleros, tarantelas, sounds Mediterranean, Eastern European rhythms and influences of the music of central Spain especially English, are some of the key ingredients FETEN FETEN. Besides the violin and accordion, instruments that identify both musicians, we hear the gentle and evocative sound of the saw, the magic in the melodies of the violin sound, the sweet timbre of vibrandoneón, xylophone, mandolin ... etc. Music

to smile, to dance or get excited by the hand of these two young composers.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fleetwood Jamboree 1984

Buenafuente tuning (mode Lurte)

Buenafuente The other day I put on Twitter ... and see if anyone was able to play the tune the program bagpipes. And here is the result under the Aragonese Lurte ...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ipod South Park Streaming

DON ELLIS ORCHESTRA - (1968) Electric Bath


Don Ellis has always been an important figure in the genre of free jazz, though not clear the thin line that supports its rhythmic dance music and popular arrangements exotic, visionary and great arranger learned to incorporate jazz Bulk musicians in their performances.
Interestingly, stopping to hear the work of the winds in unison melodies soloing, that annealing in the notes, I explained, was because the vast majority of musicians Ellis lived on his modest office Random Music no wonder he appeared in the ensemble and trumpet with old and dented instruments, the annealing of some is evident, yet gave the complex a unique ring in local orchestras, helped to accentuate the character of free .


01. Indian Lady
02. Alone
03. Turkish Bath
04. Open Beauty
05. New Horizons

Links (FLAC - CUE - Log - Scans)

1 2 3

Pass: Edelca

Jcpenney Prices Color Salon

The Urban Folk Quartet - Folk Plasencia 2010

With only two years, his virtuosity, energy and technique of this becoming quite a revelation in the European folk circuit. Just released their eponymous debut album title presented at the Festival in August last year after winning the year before the contest I Friends of Folk Plasencia. Here is the full concert that Paloma Wheat (violin), Joe Broughton (fiddle, guitar and mandolin), Tom Chapman (percussion), Frank Moon (guitar & oud) offered on the Main Stage.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Creative Titleeating Disorder

KAYO DOT - (2010) Coyote


A simply amazing album, I am forced to say (gladly) Toby Driver is positioned as a immovable in the spectra of the van, and that Kayo Dot's hand, takes the idea to close the so splendid in its latter trade record with maudlin of the Well.
not go into any greater praise for this production, only redeem the ideas I read somewhere in those who become famous with the appointments of its visitors, as outlined in this record is almost as if the usual Kayo Dot had been faced with the first records of Univers Zero. A product deep, thick, with a caliber almost overwhelming, but brilliant in his temple.


01. Girl Calonyction
02. Whisper Ineffable
03. Abyss Hinge 1: Sleeping Birds Sighing in Roscoloux
04. Abyss Hinge 2: The Shrinking Armature
05. Cartogram Out of Phase

Links: (FLAC - CUE - Log)


Pass: edelce

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Eczema And The Air Force

Winner of the DVD DVD Korrontzi & Oinkari Dantza Taldea "Infernuko Hauspoa "Educational Concert

The winner of the new DVD of the band with Korrontzi Dantza Oinkari Taldea Mikel has been Irañeta . Congratulations!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Drum Kit Rogue Status

Tongue model Alcoleja "

As I mentioned last week regarding the publication of graphic model sound tab "Alcolecha" proposed, the result was good and its graph confirmed. The formant is rich in nuance, the masking of the main harmonic is almost imperceptible and the energy curve shows the stridency of a testimonial. I repeated two more specimens, with similar results, although I have to add that I have obtained three tabs of the cylinder rod.