Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Civic 08 License Plate Frames

Concert for Unai Hontiyuelo

Hontiyuelo Unai Alvarez, with only eight years, has had the misfortune face the meningococcal sepsis. He joined the University Hospital of Valladolid, and has since been undergoing a difficult process numerous surgical doctor. Unai, despite his young age, is a fighter who did not give up, but already suffering the consequences are already very serious: both legs amputated below the knees, severe kidney damage and amputation of the last days two fingers.

Given the perilous state and the doctors feared for his life, Unai was taken to La Paz Hospital in Madrid, where have all the services needed to treat its numerous sequels: Nephrology Unit, for care of their kidneys, burn units, Plastic Surgery y Reconstructiva para las piernas y demás cicatrices del cuerpo.

Sus padres, Ángel y Beatriz, tienen en todo momento el apoyo de su familia, pero su complicada situación económica está dificultando, aún más, este duro proceso. Beatriz no trabaja y Ángel ha tenido que solicitar baja laboral para ocuparse en todo momento de Unai, por lo que los ingresos mensuales son extremadamente exiguos. Hacer frente a los gastos del traslado a Madrid para estar ceca de Unai, por tiempo aún indeterminado, es una carga casi imposible para esta familia Vallisoletana.

La fundación Irene Megías contra la Meningitis ha launched a fundraising campaign that will go entirely to the family Hontiyuelo Álvarez.

The account in La Caixa is enabled: 2100-2351-12-0200252688 and BBV: 0182-6551-91-0201588155

* The concert will be held on 10 April 2011 the 19.00 h. (Donation € 5) at the Civic Center Iuelmo José M ª (c / Armuña 3) of Valladolid. Act María Salgado, Peter and Friends and Spain. Leo Presents Harlem.


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