Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Make A Music Note On A Woven Bracelet

tab, type" Alcoleja (Alcolecha)

On the way to explore other tabs available on the market, I made a few copies under a dimensional pattern presented in this article. Despite the availability of cane from other regions and countries, have seen fit to use in my environment, where climatic conditions and location of development know: are harvested in Troncho River in the town of Alcolecha (Alcoleja) Alicante ( Spain), on the northern slope of the Sierra de Aitana, an altitude above sea level near the 700 meters, the terrain a very steep gully slopes with few hours of sun. The reeds were cut into crescent moon January 2009 and left to dry in a ventilated, dry and free from direct incidence of sunlight.
In future articles, I will present studies on sound analysis, if I can say that initial results are acceptable.

How To Shine An Airplane Propeller

GIRAFFE INCOGNITO - (2009) The Pursuit Continues


01. The Dutch Camp Lounge
02. Villains
03. Mr. Gangster Man
04. Secret Passage
05. The Bank Robbery
06. Tomorrow's Past
07. Tortoise With A Turtleneck Sweater
08. Escape Of The Black Crow
09. Dreaming Again
10. Flint's Adventures In A Rather Dangerous Land
11. The Ordinary
12. Don't Watch Television Tonight
13. Soup
14. New Kids In Town

Lossless (FLAC Part 4

Pass: goya
The Pursuit Continues Giraffe is the consolidation of Incognito, elementary project
William Rainbird, a creative Australian launched to raise the national music to unexplored layers. The album is built by a number of issues multisonora quite fast and sintomatizan varied influences ranging from jazz to a marked electronically. The work is round, very interesting and complex assessment, and is another of those records that require multiple heard to discover the best of its interior. high points of the disc to "Tortoise With A Turtleneck Sweater "and the initiator" The Dutch Camp Lounge.

Pale Tanning Before And After

Paul Carpenter

Paul Carpenter was born in San Cristovo de Castro (Carballedo - Lugo). Studied biology at Santiago de Compostela and from 2003 Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at USC.

Pipe Banda founded the Cultural Association Val do Asthma and group 'Folerpa Chantada. " Later he joined 'Cantigas and agar' and co-founder of 'Traditional Culture Obradoiro Ultreia' of Santiago de Compostela. He is currently preparing a second doctorate at the Faculty of History, which will focus on the 'bagpipes' in Galicia. In 1999 he formed a group with which he edited requinteiros 'A refinement of Xian' (2003).

currently serves as professor of 'bagpipes' in various associations and schools. Since 2003 working on the program of the Radio Galega 'Lume na palleiras. " Throughout the year 2004 participated in the program Xusto Rail with a section dedicated to traditional song. In 2005 joined the board of the 'Association of Galician Piper. "

since 1992 has been collecting information on traditional music, which led to the edition of the album 'I esquencidos sons', and will involve the publication of a book on the Galician traditional wind instruments. Is working, since 2004, in editing a record collection of old pipers. Worked as a bagpiper with the chamber group of USC in the recording of 'In Itínere'. Other recording projects include 'Walking Path' and 'Eiquí ... Acol ...'. In 2005 he began a collaboration with baroque music group 'Resonet', which bore fruit in the recording of an album. Presented several communications conferences and international musicology on 'bagpipes' and traditional Galician instruments. In 2005 he organized a sampling of traditional Galician instruments.

has performed throughout Galicia, in the rest of Spain and abroad. Highlights his solo performance in Bergen (Norway) as a cultural ambassador of Santiago de Compostela.

Creative Names Anorexia

Obradoiro on folk instruments Galician

Pontevedra Museum offers a number of interesting obraidoiros taught by Paul Carpenter , in order to learn how to build different musical instruments, from simple the most developed, including working on a lathe, to try to disseminate and to value this important part of our cultural heritage. On the other hand, it is intended to convey the history of these sonores useful for understanding of how human beings accompanied throughout its evolution and what importance it had. Furthermore and in addition, Paul will offer a series of educational concerts.

The registration period opened on February 21 and lasts until all seats are filled. The cycle is divided into four parts and each is devoted to instruments of a given time.


This obradoiro will learn to build musical instruments are documented in the Middle Paleolithic: zoadeiras, fungi, asubíos, Cantagalo mirlitons, fuck of Hedra and reeds. As the most melodic instruments are not easily children can build.

Date: 16 March 17 hey
Duration: 17:00 to 19:00
Age of participants: 6 to 10 years maximum
No. participants: 20


In the Upper Paleolithic are documented and many melodic instruments like flutes. In the paintings of the time also document some rhythm instruments such as tarrañolas.

Date: 23 e
March 24 Time: 17:00 to 19:00
Age of participants: 10 to 15 years maximum
No. participants: 20


experts say this period already used the type of melodic instruments, clarinets and oboes. Moreover, the beginning of agriculture requires the use of tools to eventually be used to make music as bathe or screens.

Date: 30 and March 31
Duration: 17:00 to 19:00
Age of participants: age 15 years
maximum No. of participants: 15


During this period, the bagpipes were a strong expansion throughout the old world and became one of the most representative, and it continues today. That is why, in this obradoiro will learn how to build a cane using bagpipes and plastic.

Dates: 6 and April 7
Duration: 17:00 to 19:00
Age of participants: age 15 years
maximum No. of participants: 15


In closing this series, Paul Carpenter will give a concert that will be used in teaching some of the instruments that were built in the Obradoiro and other employees in traditional music. You can learn about the different types of bagpipes used in Galicia and on the different percussion female.

Date: April 7, ore 20:00
Duration: One hour and a half
Free admission


Many insturment that manufactured Galician children as toys were constructed materiares "Green" whistles leaves of different trees, small flutes with grass straw, etc. The aim of this walk along the river is to learn to make these simple tools and understand how nature can offer all these materials useful for making music.

Date: May 28 and June 4
Duration: 10:30 to 13:30 h
Age of participants: All ages (children accompanied by parents) than participants
No.: 35

NOTE: This complements the previous obradoiro. Therefore,
have priority to participate in it persons who performed some of them. Only permissible new entries in the event of vacancies.

Red Dot Sight Bow Laser

Tenth Anniversary of the web and forum

Ten years already! Ten years is nearly a century if we talk about internet. Ten years of new friends here and there. Ten years of satisfaction to know that many have begun to know and play the flute and drum and informed browsing the web. Or through it and its forum have met someone from the other side of the country or the neighboring country, or beyond ... and have been for some fun and play, talk, eat, drink ... Or discovered sailing with satisfaction that so strange to play both a flute and a drum was not only in his village in their area, in your region, your country, but there are many other places where the tradition continues.

Ten years already! In what began as a small site about a "small" instrument, he joined a forum that grew slowly and became thanks to all of you lovers of the flute and drum and music, in a meeting virtual day by day we are open to all eyes and ears to other musical worlds unknown thing in common: a flute and drum. Thanks to all who have supported your participation the development of the site and forum, as without this support would not have become the reference is not have lasted so long in the network, where everything changes so fast.

I have no doubt that sooner or later happen, with or without www.tamborileros. com, as the network and its potential are inevitable, but a little selfish I am pleased to have created a meeting point between us, because the final reason is that these instruments deserve and need all our love and support. Instruments that at least seven centuries have remained alive and still with us. And what's left!

Personally I do not consider myself a drummer "real" as are the vast you do most of the flute and drum indispensable art in each of the areas where this instrument has a great tradition. Nor do I have very clear to flute and drum tradition of my roots belong but locals and their influence weigh enough, but being born and living in Madrid receiving various musical stimuli has led me through different ways of interpreting, search and view the music of flute and drum not focus on one area or in a single instrument. "He who covers a lot, just press" the saying goes, and perhaps a "drummer landless, but my weakness is that I am very curious as (apprentice) musician. What I can assure you is that through of www.tamborileros. com and with all humility because I am a small link and an integral part of the transmission and preservation of an ancient knowledge of the few we still have in these days of globalization homogenizing cultural transience.

To end this paper anniversary, I want to thank the teachers of each specific tradition of flute and drum, because through your teaching, whether in schools or in particular, you still broadcasting live they left us our ancestors from generation to generation orally. At your disposal,

Juan Sanchez - Madrid

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sinus Infection Space Heater

BANDA HERMÉTICA - (2007) El Calendario de los Sonidos

Hermeto wrote
Tracklist: Imagen 01. Banda Hermetica
02. October 16
03. August 8 04. July 20 05. September 3
06. October 10
07. August 19
08. No Liege 09. November 14 10. October 24
11. November 4
12. October 12
13. September 2

Links (FLAC - CUE - Log - Scans)


2 3 4


Pass: Edelca

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Friendship Bracelet With A Music Note

RADIOHEAD - (2011) The King of Limbs

a considerable distance the band takes its latest production, and do not know if this is a genuine attempt to renew (a constant Radiohead), or an attempt to break the sound elbowing today these days is in vogue in the seals avant-garde music. It happens that in this new release, the group is faced with several changes, including Thom Yorke looks like musical exponent of the band, the limit to create a solo album under the name of RH, and consolidation of a sound where the rock begins to yield to experimentation. The only certainty in conclusion is the new sound that is presented here, conventional spread guitars, samplers and effects the table have supplied almost all the rhythmic and harmonic constraints, a cross that reminds us immediately and without much effort bands that have made this a signature sound. Tracklist: Imagen 01. Bloom
02. Morning Mr. Magpie
03. Little by Little
04. Feral
05. Lotus Flower
06. Codex
07. Give Up the
Gost 08. Separator

Links (FLAC 3


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Prevent Trench Foot In Wwi Miquel Gil - Per

Thirty-five years growing, sparking the touch of words that have not muted the roar. Have tanned throat. Traditional code is poetry and what it offers Miquel Gil on his new album, which offer a preview of four songs.

Miquel Gil seems to work with ternary cycles: Eixos closed a trilogy preceded by Organic and kata, with a distance of 3 years between the first and last. The performances, the musical adventures Texts of the Draft and give way now to a new disk Per Mars, which will come during 2011 and is the result of three years of intimate work. The new disc will include adaptations of traditional songs, texts by authors such as Vicent Andres Estelles, Enric Casasses, Enric Monforte or Tone Fornes.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Menards Garment Racks On Sale

length of a tongue and other issues

The beginning of these publications on the flute in G, part of an instrument developed in the nineteenth century and as was customary at the time, English was dimensioned in inches, since the use of the metric system not fully implemented until the second half of the twentieth century as proof, it suffices to recall that the English classical guitar and especially those built throughout his professional life by the great creator D. Antonio Torres Jurado (1812-1892), also used the English inch as the unit of measurement. Going back to earlier times hornpipes, we find two aspects that affect the sizing of the instrument and are first, that the inch, although related to the diameter of the thumb, were different depending on which geographical location was made and another, the interpreter introduced into the mouth the entire tongue and rested his lips on Tudella pirouette. This will bring it up to reveal that especially the Tudella, has undergone major changes over time and especially with the emergence the oboe in the seventeenth century.
The changes on the whole tongue-Tudella, are restricted in length and geometry of the tongue and affect the tone, not so with the Tudella, which mainly affects change in the position of the holes to the body of the instrument and given the small variation proposal, the consequences are irrelevant. Exposed
background, let's cut and sizing of the boards for the tongue, and a recommendation to the length of Tudella, valid for many commercial bagpipes. Cut
couple of boards for the tongue in an amateur production process does not require sophisticated means available or expensive, just takes a little dedication and easy means of obtaining for himself an amateur, and this, the purpose of this article, in the present case is purely amateur and therefore is not essential productivity only want to come out and do a good cut with guaranteed uniformity. It is suitable for development, building support in allowing the same element, fix the most common size used by manufacturers of tabs, dimensions that vary in length, up to 3.5 m / m, keeping in mind that Tudella and tab there is an overlap of 6 or 7 m / m and we can vary, therefore no longer always cane, longer corresponds to the set.
Following this initial purpose, fixed the length of the tongue into 1 ½ inch and also the same for the Tudella. Moment and with the variety of measures of tabs on the market ranging from 34.5 and 38 m / m (average 36.25) in Tudella of 40 m / m, and considering the overlap between the two elements with an average 6.5 m / m, the whole mounted has a length of 69.90 m / m. and therefore if the tab dimension to 1 ½ inches or 38.1 m / m. and also the Tudella and an overlay of ¼ inch or 6.35 m / m., the whole mounted reaches a length of 2 ¾ inches or 69.85 m / m. (Same In both cases, therefore, the increase in the tongue, reducing the Tudella). Finally
propose using the photographs illustrating the article, a support rod by cutting jigsaw and longitudinal limit stop 4 position, with the possibility of cutting the same, 38, 37, 36 and 35 m / m, so that amateur willing to follow this proposal, which meets your needs.

Female Anatomy Diagram Ovaries

THE RESIDENTS - (1988) God In Three Persons

The most celebrated work The Residents, and also what could be the most ambitious (is claimed to Freak Show). On the work in question which is the basis of each track and say nothing continuity, first because it was impossible to see em and groped her not talk, I can only say that if material the decision to hear the usual Residents academic tone with a subtle, this is the album mentioned, the first original disk, the second, the soundtrack of the work in question. and I still have weeks to finish medirlo en totalidad.


Tracklist: 01. Main Titles 02. Hard & Tenderly 03. Devotion? 04. The Thing About Them 05. Their Early Years Imagen 06. Loss Of Loved One
07. The Touch
08. The Service
09. Confused (By What I Felt Inside)
10. Fine Fat Flies
11. Time 12. Silver, Sharp, And Could Not Care 13. Kiss Of Flesh 14. Pain And Pleasure
Links: (FLAC - CUE - Log)








01. Main Titles 02. Hard and Tenderly 03. The Thing About Them
04. Their Early Years 05. Loss of a Loved One 06. The Touch
07. The Service (Part One)
08. The Service (Part Two) 09. Confused by What I Felt Inside 10. Kiss the flesh
11. Pain and Pleasure

Links: (FLAC - CUE - Log)






Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cream Of Tartat In Orange Juice

ERIK MONGRAIN - (2007) Fates

Youtube becomes famous to anyone, Erik Mongrain happened but he was clearly the exception, of course, that anybody else is not, its unique way of playing the guitar with the back of the instrument on his knees it quickly became a viral
among guitarists. Personally artist fails to justify purely on what his virtuoso technique offers sound compositions forced to limit their obvious expertise in the instrument, I think I must be honest, is the first record I share with which I have no greater adherence nevertheless consider it important to expose this, our forum, as Mongrain, yet achieved an unusual sound that is obviously attractive ... awhile.

01. PercusienFa 02. Fates 03. La Derniere Pluie 06. Mais Quand? 07. Tap Air 08. Confusion # 8 09. Interpretations 10. I Am Not Imagen

Links (FLAC - CUE - Log - Scans)

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Delete Playlist On Direct Tv

Martian Feature Summary from 7 º Festival The

The October 30 , 2010 took place in the small town of Carbajo (Cáceres) 7 th Festival edition of "The Magusto" organized by the Cultural Association The Magusto . The Festival was a success and from the organizational standpoint, the realization of a dream unthinkable a few years ago, as it managed to bring artists and top level Wolfstone, The Musgaña or Carlos Núñez together with which we were fortunate to collaborate and further impregnate the good atmosphere we experienced that day in this great little festival.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Extra Fan In Xbox 360

BROADCAST AND THE FOCUS GROUP - (2009) Investigate Witch Cult of the Radio Age

With the recent death of Trish Keenan desolation I got caught a few minutes, she saw reflected in many of the attributes that an innovative musician should have, because apparently it is not easy being a woman and being at the forefront (a quick glance at the current can be categorical in this), and Trish approached with respect to secrecy prolific Sorry for Ikue, for example. The union of the two bands present is perhaps the strongest work, probably both groups, overtly psychedelic sound, complicated, that rises from our back to stun if you pay close attention, wonderful to enjoy such fragile states of consciousness .

01. Intro / magnetic such 02. The Be colony
03. How do you get along sir? 04. Will you read me. 05. Reception/group therapy
06. A quiet moment
07. I see, so i see so 08. You must wake 09. One million years ago 12. Drug party Imagen 13. Libra, the mirror's minor self
14. Love's long listen-in
15. We are after all here
16. A medium's high
17. Ritual / looking in
18. Make my sleep his song 19. Royal chant 20. What i saw
21. Let it begin/oh joy
22. Round and round and round
23. The be colony/dashing home/what on earth took you?

Links: (FLAC

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7 Weeks Pregnant Can I Ski?

Carbajo Magusto of Open Stage III (Zamora) Folk Courses Ferrolterra

The Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León , located in Zamora, held the third edition of this gathering of musicians called 2011 Open Stage, which will be held 11 and March 12 in Room of Acts of the museum itself. To do this, there has been a selection process among several musical groups in order to retrieve, maintain and reinterpret a musical past through indigenous instruments, ethnic and contemporary.

Friday March 11

18:30 - Don Sancho ( Zamora )
19:00 - GRB4! (Valladolid )
19:30 h - Muxivén ( Leon )
20:00 - Chaparcallo ras ( Zamora )
20:30 - Gang The passage of water (Murcia )
21: 00 h - Roll & roll ( Zamora )
21.30 - Tarna ( Leon )
22:00 - Asal (Valladolid )

Saturday March 12 18:30

h - Molofolk ( Zamora )
19:00 - The Song of the carrier (Salamanca )
19:30 h - Pink rose (Castilla y León ) 20:00
h - Alquitara (Valladolid )
20:30 - La Camerata Cervantes (Ciudad Real )
21:00 - 22 strings (Valladolid )
21:15 h - Arnica ( Cantabria and Castilla y León )
21:30 h - 4 x 4 (Valladolid )
22:00 h - Matamá Ensemble ( Vigo )

Monday, February 14, 2011

What's The Mining Of The Color Of Trash Cans


Another recommendation, this time my friend's leg. This album is a fusion between a moderate and free jazz classic klezmer musicians such as this and many other free jazz refreshed with no locks. Even closer to folk sounds, the work in question is a nice agreement between the creative forces of the quartet on stage (The same
) and not notice the seams, the whole work is like one long patch of silk.
01. Howling Circle 02. Anhinga 03.
Prowl 04. Chanting
05. 7th Sister 06. Rain Bearers 07. A Dangerous Game Links (FLAC - CUE - Log) Imagen

1 2 3


Wiring A 6 Wire Hunter Thermostat 44260

2011 Sweepstakes

For the second consecutive year, over 29 and April 30 and May 1, the district Canido (Ferrol) will be hosting these courses organized by the Cultural Association Folk Ferrolterra teachers with a real luxury.


Celtic Harp: Quico Comesaña
Violin, Mandolin and Alfonso Merino
Cavaquinho: Luis Peixoto
Folk Guitar: Koke Folgueira
Jorge Arribas: Germain
Accordion Díaz, Fernando Barroso
Zanfona & Alberto Ablanedo: Bouzouki
Miguel Sotelo: traditional Galician dance
Kits & Hannah Suso Cancels: Dances international
Mark Fields: Gaita Galega
Mark Saburido: Whistle Percussion
Javier Feijoo (Pisco): Singing and panderete
Abraham Fernandez: Whistle
Paul Vergara: Bodhran

Hours Monday April 29

Saturday, April 30
Sunday May 1

Registration and Contact

Single € 55 (1curso)
open € 90 (most of the courses if the schedules permit)
Scene limit 10 € (Saturday, 30 April)
Tel: 675 148 132

Suction Cups Won't Stick In Bathtub

a Korrontzi & DVD Dantza Oinkari Taldea "Infernuko Hauspoa"

To obtain a copy of the new work Taldea Korrontzi & Oinkari Dantza recently published by Baga-Biga, you will have to send an email to indicating the name of at least three members of the group. The deadline closes on Sunday 27 February and between all the winners shall draw lots, to publish the winner the next day.

Best Tampons For Sport

Korrontzi & Oinkari - Concert

Korrontzi published his third album together with Oinkari Dantza Taldea . This is a different job than what we are accustomed, as presented in DVD format of the show the visual side, that is, seeing the music and dances. Oinkari Korrontzi as well as have the same goals: to renew and update those old rhythms performed with the trikitixa or through the dance. That is why decided to get together to shape Infernuko Eauspoa ("The bellows of hell") to form a binomial necessary, it is impossible to understand the music they perform without the accompanying dance, as it always has been.

In this DVD, music and dance have always been in the company of one another. The premise that there is no dance music, dance Oinkari folk sounds given by Korrontzi. The musical sensations not only enter through the ears. The plasticity of dance to the music helps phenomenally. The top of the music is another top traladada superior. The dances are beautiful in themselves, but if the music accompany a multiplier effect for the enjoyment of the viewer. Forty props of dancers to the music of Korrontzi usionan size dances contemporary with the traditional dances of Euskadi. Confluence, fusion, short, cross-breeding. But we include more terms to the above is enough to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe proposal issued by Korrontzi & Oinkari. The downpour of the show is that the climax is visually stunning and easily managed. Music and dance in an incandescent state. Rain dance and music that takes Korrontzi & Oinkari its zenith. Rain dance to music.

Korrontzi & Oinkari Dantza Taldea
Infernuko Hauspoa (2010)

01. Fandangoa Tapiatarren
Artikutza 03.
Bustuntzuri 04. Andreari Joxek
Biribilketa 06. Fandango
Urarte 08. Azpeitiko
fandangoa 09. Arin-latin
10. Ardi Ataungo beltza
11. Xoxua
12. Baratz
13. Amesak
14. Belardi
15. Kikunbera Marigoran
16. Martxea Fasioren

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Where Is The Location Of A Cervic

DOROTHY ASHBY - (1968) Afro-Harping

know little harpist, and including the most virtuous in jazz was certainly Ashby, not only for his undoubted technical abilities on the instrument, I defend her even more as an interpreter in the evolution que le dio a si misma al
, impimiendo un groove distinto al explotado en los 50-60', su música juega mucho con el ritmo pero a la vez despegándose del "estilo Davis", como si levitaran sus aspiraciones, pasándole de cerca. Una presa fácil para tanto DJ
vintage que aplica retrospectiva musical para mezclar discos.

01. Soul Vibrations 02. Game 03. Action Line 06. Afro-Harping 07. Little Sunflower 08. Theme From "Valley of the Dolls" 09. Come Live whit Me 10. The Look of Love Imagen

Links: (APE - CUE - Log - Scans)
1 2 3


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mario Salieri Wacht Film

Study model 6 tabs

exposed The model I bought in a shop of musical instruments, ignoring any other information about its origin and manufacturing process. It is interesting to note that the bevels of the tablets, have deferent length and the resulting sound can not be classified as bad, for some listeners seem very good for its low stridency. Includes photographs of detail.

Friday, February 11, 2011

M25 Gay Cruising Heathrow

THE BILL DIXON ORCHESTRA - (1966) Intents & Purposes

If there is a free jazz musician who manages to keep my attention throughout his work that is undoubtedly Bill Dixon, a pioneer in mobilizing a contingent of musicians to guide them to the avant-garde of those frecientes 60's, who other than the founder of the
Jazz Composer's Guild
, which brought together the restless Neuva York musicians, including Carla Bley. this disc has all the usual accents Dixon in command of an Orchestra free jazz, improvised battery, a powerful wind nucleus divided in support harmonic line soleus and rhythmic bass, percussion, etc. a particular musician, solid, and shows all the lights of his genius in his wonderful "Going to the Center."
Metamorpjosis 02. Nightfall Pieces I
03. Voices 04. Nightfall Pieces II Links (FLAC I remember the first time I mentioned it Sclavis album was this very summer, the department of my dear colleague, Leo, gathered by the bohemian ritual requiring good drinks on the table. Leo told me that acáhabía heard one of the single most impressive Claron, and perhaps not mistaken, by the sound of bass wood dule runs the staff with great virtuosity, melodic meanderings of music theory are accompanied by a core trio of free jazz made their sound when it should, and gives when he can, by turning off Sclavis mastery of a task must be unwelcome. Tracklist: Imagen
01. Premier Imparfait-A
02. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe dialect 03. First B-Imperfect 04. The Word
05. Dialogue With A Dream
06. Announcement
07. Archaeology
08. Second imperfect 09. Convening 10. Palaver
11. Along the time
12. The writing
Sacrifice 13. Story Of A Phrase
14. The imperfect Languages \u200b\u200b

Links (FLAC - Scans)

1 2 3

4 Pass: EDELCA Imagen

Monday, February 7, 2011

What Did The Black Plague Doctors Wear

SCLAVIS LOUIS - (2007) The imperfect Languages \u200b\u200b

Uno de mis
directores favoritos, una de mis piezas dirigiendo favoritas del repertorio doctoral, the music of Benjamin Britten distanced himself from his school English while retaining an elegant spirit back to earlier traditions to the eclecticism that characterized the twentieth century, the composer looks as reasons lyrical poetry of previous centuries, capturing the value of their stories, their teachings and how to live in nature, I speak in particular its Seranade

Opus 31, each passage is full of subtle and overpowering encounters with landscapes, sunrises, snowstorms, with the exuberance of simplicity, with tiny palpable physical reality which enriches us more than anything. The Nocturne

of this piece is without doubt one of my favorite composicions gender catch me, sinks, and walk a few seconds left before my task remotely.


Les Illuminations

01. I.
Fanfare 02. II. Villes
03. IIIa. Phrase
04. IIIb. Antique
05. IV. Royauté 06. V. Marine 07. VI.
Interlude 08. VII. Being beauteous
09. VIII. Parade 10. IX. Départ

Serenade 11. Prologue 12. Pastoral 13.
Nocturne 14. Elegy 15. Dirge 16.
Hymn 17.
Sonnet 18. Epilogue Nocturne 19. On a poet's lips I Slept 20. Below the thunder of the upper deep 21. Encinctured with a twine of leaves 22. Midnight's bell goes ting, ting, ting 23. But that night when on my bed I lay Imagen 24. She sleeps on soft, last breaths
25. What is more gentle than a wind in summer?
26. When most I wink, then do mine eye best see Ejecuta:
Ian Bostridge,
tenor Radek Baborák,
Berliner Philharmoniker

Sir Simon Rattle

Links: (FLAC - CUE - Log - Scans)





Saturday, February 5, 2011

Best Paparazzi Camera And Lens

Hauspoa Infernuko Dulce Pontes, Juan Carlos Cambas, Dani Bellon and Diego Maceiras in Cosquín (Argentina)