Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pale Tanning Before And After

Paul Carpenter

Paul Carpenter was born in San Cristovo de Castro (Carballedo - Lugo). Studied biology at Santiago de Compostela and from 2003 Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at USC.

Pipe Banda founded the Cultural Association Val do Asthma and group 'Folerpa Chantada. " Later he joined 'Cantigas and agar' and co-founder of 'Traditional Culture Obradoiro Ultreia' of Santiago de Compostela. He is currently preparing a second doctorate at the Faculty of History, which will focus on the 'bagpipes' in Galicia. In 1999 he formed a group with which he edited requinteiros 'A refinement of Xian' (2003).

currently serves as professor of 'bagpipes' in various associations and schools. Since 2003 working on the program of the Radio Galega 'Lume na palleiras. " Throughout the year 2004 participated in the program Xusto Rail with a section dedicated to traditional song. In 2005 joined the board of the 'Association of Galician Piper. "

since 1992 has been collecting information on traditional music, which led to the edition of the album 'I esquencidos sons', and will involve the publication of a book on the Galician traditional wind instruments. Is working, since 2004, in editing a record collection of old pipers. Worked as a bagpiper with the chamber group of USC in the recording of 'In Itínere'. Other recording projects include 'Walking Path' and 'Eiquí ... Acol ...'. In 2005 he began a collaboration with baroque music group 'Resonet', which bore fruit in the recording of an album. Presented several communications conferences and international musicology on 'bagpipes' and traditional Galician instruments. In 2005 he organized a sampling of traditional Galician instruments.

has performed throughout Galicia, in the rest of Spain and abroad. Highlights his solo performance in Bergen (Norway) as a cultural ambassador of Santiago de Compostela.


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