Saturday, May 21, 2011

How To Program Starchoice Remote Tv


Following the success of last year, second edition of the Festival of Interpreters and Unusual Instruments will be held in October at the Casa de Cultura de Gamonal. However, remains the stage, the Casa de Cultura de Gamonal.

six proposals are planned. October 15 act Alexander Zoltan (Czech Republic), to make music with glasses of water, and Pert Dopita (Czech Republic), that will do the same with a handsaw. On October 22 the Madrid act Luis Delgado, who offer a melting pot of unusual instruments, and the Belgian trio The Hoquets who make their own instruments from recycled material. On October 29 will be the turn of Stranded Horse, kora player, an instrument originally from Africa, and Pierre Bastien , a French composer and instrumentalist espectuacular.

The artistic direction will be carried out and there will be Diego Galaz an exhibition of musical instruments. The ticket price is 5 euros and 12 euros will bond to all three concerts. All performances begin at 20 hours.


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