Friday, May 6, 2011

Uhf/vhf Transformer Making

A step towards the clarions medieval

Recovery of missing instruments over time and that left no physical evidence or documentary, is a task in which luck plays a major asset. Previously and in this blog, is published the path followed in the recovery of a fifteenth-century shawm based paint a picture, you got lucky perhaps more than skill, to reach fruition.
Up late ninth century, the oboes were very short, since its usefulness in the street and used by the troubadours, but when it was introduced in churches and cathedrals, making it softer domesticated and therefore more long tradition continued until 1657 with the addition of more keys, today became the Oboe, leaving little by little to be used by musicians and composers of the time, however, continued to use short shawm, mainly in popular music street. This first step
start a new venture based on some data that confusing, try to recover a short chirimías similar to those used since the Middle Ages until the nineteenth century, originating in two English regions, those covered by the kingdoms of Castilla la Vieja and the kingdom d'Aragon, both dimensional differences.
Due to the scarcity of data I obtained, I will leave without posting for the moment the most essential of them, because surely I'll have to make changes and also because not only important to have found the size, but other factors such as fingering, and registration (for example, has always placed his left hand above right), both more or less attributable to the custom of the time and the will of the maker, but there are others that are purely physical-dimensional as the pitch range, wavelength, frequency, transmission speed of sound in the middle, horn etc function. that determine the configuration.
As this is an experimental counted almost step by step and I do not know what are the problems that I'm going to find, start with the construction of the tool for internal cast in two parts, a conical taper and a variable, which will in case of failure, replace one without the need to build the entire tool.
The material used in the construction of the reamers is duralumin with inclusion of high speed steel blade. The proposed timber for the first prototype is the Palo Blood or Brosimum Paraense, without discarding the woods native to each kingdom.


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