Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hair Is Greasy After Getting Keratin Help

Waterskin or Sac for a Bagpipe

An outstanding element in the development of the bagpipe or Gemecs Sac is the wineskin or Sac, whose experimental air tank started this article. Obtaining this piece can be purchased at stores musical instrument, something highly recommended if our immediate goal is to obtain, being the fastest and economic might, if we consider the time spent on building it, the materials used and tools that we may need to acquire. With the purchase, get higher quality, moisture condenser and even an overture practicable to clean the condenser, but this is not my goal, nor would reason for this blog.
Determined to build by hand, presented different alternatives at the time I asked myself.
The first is to follow tradition and sacrifice a lamb, to be flayed by a procedure to place you in the front legs in one blower and the other pointer, placement on the neck of "braguer" which houses the drones, closing and sealing the hind legs. This would be the traditional method, but tanned skin needs to be obtained and waterproofed with pitch or other substance, the very tanned skin and presents difficulties in having to use toxic salts (eg chromium), residues of which are due to authorized agents.
A second possibility is to purchase pre-tanned skin in a warehouse supply materials for shoe companies, something easily achieved in the area where I live, as in nearby villages, there are plenty of such industries, the skin would form different because in the slaughter, is still another process of skinning, but only need to get the waterproofing.
The third possibility is to build with reinforced plastic sheet and attached with glue, this process is simple, the materials used are cheap, easily available and possibly meet the objectives. I will use the Skay, plastic sheet PVC-based fabric reinforced synthetic fiber, forming a high strength, flexibility and unaffected by moisture, so use on chairs and furniture upholsterers. To attach or paste material that I will use the glue used by plumbers in the drain pipe sealing to PVC, available at most hardware stores. I do not guarantee a good result with this alternative, but you can always return to any of the above.


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