Friday, April 15, 2011

Why Does Breast Cancer Get So Much

pitch of a flute in G No. 1

The profusion of bagpipes tune in G on the market makes it difficult to determine which of them can serve us best suited to our needs. Despite my limited experience in this field of the shawm, if I can find that there are many manufacturers and instruments that look similar, however, are manufactured by various craftsmen and therefore presumably are copies.
The aim of this and other subsequent publications, is to determine the "degree of tuning" of each of the flutes on the market that I have experienced, task that is somewhat peculiar to this instrument, since varying the air pressure or the position of the lips on the bezel of the tongue, the tone varies substantially. For the same tone, with gentle air pressure, you get an interpretation of least effort, but somewhat lower sound level or on the contrary, at higher pressure, more sound, though not always correspond proportionately.
conditions whereby experiences do is breathe with no air pressure of the lips on the bezel of the tongue and in these conditions is measured air pressure for each note, let's say the tone is merely a consequence of geometry inside the instrument, size and position of the holes and air pressure, bearing in mind that the tongue and shank are constant. The error allowed in the Hz frequency is + 1
not point out the characteristics of the interior of the bell curve, because in my view, have no influence on the tone, only affects the waves and therefore the "horn function "and no tone condition as posted on this blog for some time.
I note that the position which apparently indicates the distance between holes of pitch, actually indicates the size of the instrument and corresponds to the inside diameter of the cone to the height of the tuning holes. I also note that I avoid publicar imágenes del instrumento que no aportan datos técnicos relevantes y puedan deducir erróneamente la identificación de un fabricante, cuando existen copias similares de otros fabricantes.
Este instrumento pertenece a un miembro del grupo de música medieval Menestrils de Onteniente (Valencia-España)


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