Saturday, July 4, 2009

How To Make A Rc Turrent

the other side of imperialism

By Luis R Delgado J
On several occasions you have read or heard that the private media are instruments or serve the interests of imperialism, but truth is that this fundamental part of capitalist culture industry, not puppet or tool, it is part of the current capitalist world order.

If we understand imperialism as a global system characterized by the monopolization of capital transnationalized, we realize that the global media industry does not escape this reality. CNN and FOX are capitalist monopolies of same proportions as a Nestlé, General Motors or Microsoft.

This is good to have in mind not to fall into the error of considering the media industry as a business conglomerate in the second, located behind the industrial, banking, energy, food, technology, arms or pharmacists. Not so, the bourgeoisie owns the means of communication is as powerful as the other bourgeois factions transnational (commercial, banking, financial, industrial, etc.), And share with them the most bourgeois global interests, so it is very well aligned in the field of class struggle world.
The private media are the most important ideological weapons that have the forces of reaction. Create the happy slave, inoculate the entire planet Unique Thought (Ramonet 2003), standardizing on a global scale consumption patterns gringo society, participate in the Generation IV wars or psychological warfare are some of the big tasks.

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