Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sims 3 Cheat For Preggo Sims

need a bit of Marxism

Boff a concrete situation "that would enable to judge about vision problems in the form of complaint-listing. But not in the nature of this pope to be a prophet. He is a doctor and a teacher. Prepares the official discourse of the Magisterium, whose perspective does not come down, real-life conflict, but from above, from the orthodox doctrine that vanishes minimizes the contradictions and conflicts. The dominant trend is not analysis, but of ethics, what should be.

As it examines the current reality, extremely complex, the magisterial speech remains principled, balanced and defined by its definition. The subtext of the text, the unsaid in dicho, remite a una inocencia teórica que inconscientemente asume la ideología funcional de la sociedad dominante. Se nota ya al abordar el tema central ―el desarrollo― tan criticado hoy por no tener en cuenta los limites ecológicos de la Tierra. De esto la encíclica no dice nada. Su visión es que el sistema mundial se presenta fundamentalmente correcto. Lo que existen son disfunciones, no contradicciones. Ese diagnóstico sugiere la siguiente terapia, semejante a la del G-20: rectificaciones y no cambios, mejorías y no cambio de paradigma, reformas y no liberaciones. Es el imperativo del maestro: «corrección»; no el del profeta: «conversión».

Al leer el texto, largo y pesado, just thinking how good it would come to the current pope a bit of Marxism! This, from the oppressed, has the merit of exposing the oppositions present in the current system, exposing the conflicts of power and report unrestrained greed of the market society, competitive, consumerist, uncooperative and unfair. She is a social and structural sin sacrifice millions on the altar of production for unlimited consumption. This should prophetically denounce the pope. But it does not.
The text of the Magisterium, an Olympian on the outside and above the current conflict situation, not ideologically "neutral" as intended. It is a discourse player the prevailing system, that causes suffering to all especially the poor. Not a question that Benedict XVI wants it or not willing, but the structural logic of his speech teachers. By giving up a serious critical analysis, pay a high price in theoretical and practical ineffectiveness. Not innovate, repeat.

And that lost a huge opportunity to address humanity in a dramatic moment in history, from the symbolic capital of transformation and hope contained in the Christian message. This pope does not value the new heaven and new earth, which can be anticipated by human practices, but know this decadent life, and self-sustainable (cultural pessimism) and eternal life and heaven to come. He walks away and the great biblical message that revolutionary political implications to state that the terminal utopia of the Kingdom of justice, love and freedom is only real in so far as to build and to anticipate, within the limits of space and of historical time such goods between us.

Interestingly, disregarding fideists recurrent notions ("only through the charity Christian integral development is possible), when you" forget "the magisterial tone at the end of the encyclical, he talks about sensible things as reform UN, the new economic and financial architecture Internationally, the concept of global common good and the inclusion of the human family relational.

paraphrase Nietzsche: "How much critical analysis is capable of incorporating the teachings of the Church?" Leonardo Boff

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