Friday, July 10, 2009

Schwinn Spinnerbottom Bracket


Patiño Rafael Enciso. Caracas. June 5, 2009.
In a perspective of transition from capitalism to socialism in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, organized people in communal councils, communes, workers' councils and networks Commodity Producers must participate in planning all aspects of life in its political, social, cultural, economic and environmental.

The participatory democracy of the population is real, not just when they vote to elect their leaders, if not in many other decisions of a newspaper, which affect their daily lives. In particular, when participating in the preparation of development plans and budgets of a locality or territory in budgets, annual work plans and the distribution of surplus property of a Social Enterprise (EPS), a Council Community, or in the near future, in social communities, now in early stages of construction.

Through plans and budgets of the social and economic organizations, are deciding where it wants to advance society, which wants to solve problems or needs, that aspiration is to achieve, how you achieve these goals and at what time; that workers participate in achieving the objectives, with what resources will have to do and how to distribute available resources among the various programs, projects and activities to be executed, then how to distribute the surplus generated by social work.

Venezuela rentier economy

In the case of Venezuela, working people supported the revolutionary government of President Chavez, which devotes significant resources to support projects of Community Councils, which come mostly of oil revenues. The latter circumstance is that the economy was distorted and productive for 500 years strongly constrained by the policies of imperialism and the oligarchies, which turned Venezuela into a subordinate and dependent: crude oil exporter and importer of consumer almost everything needed for life, especially food and manufactured goods: luxury and oligarchies, medium and low quality for the rest of the population.

Alienation and capitalist consumerism, destruction of productive culture

The sale, use and consumption of imported goods, was consistently promoted throughout Latin America by the mass media: radio from the mid- 30's, film and television from the 50's of last century. Manipulating consciences and making wishes, the U.S. and Europe imposed on us part of their lifestyle and consumption patterns, and the neoliberal globalization model implemented from the 70 twentieth century, replaced the existing low domestic production and imports, with which its economy and its profits grew and unemployment levels were relatively low.
So, destroyed or severely decreased the productive culture of the population, both agricultural and industrial dependent countries (including Venezuela), stimulated migration to the city and were the cause of chronic unemployment, lack of income for the population , poverty and extreme poverty, social decay and widespread criminality.

Much of the population was alienated and forced to adapt to live without producing, "or producing very little, in work connected with the trade and services (except for those related to the oil) in a rentier economy, where most of government revenue from oil sales. This is extracted from the ground through the work, but is not produced by him but by nature. Their prices are determined on the world market supply and demand, and speculative movements of large financial and industrial capital. Finally, high oil prices (which are formed when they gather many of the circumstances referred to above, plus a strong organization and coordinated policies of exporting countries) are paid by workers the planet, the capitalists who move their costs, by increasing the final price of any goods whose production uses energy from fossil fuels.

rent-seeking and political patronage, harmful legacy of the Fourth Republic

Income is distributed through the state apparatus, which in the capitalist system is an instrument of oppression and manipulation of people. One of its most obnoxious and alienating the political patronage, which has been widespread in capitalism and, unfortunately, still applies in part on Venezuela for more than a few "politicians" and public officials reproductive system of capitalist exploitation, we will deal with the Bolivarian Socialism, whose cultural and material bases are built gradually with the Simon Bolivar National Plan 2007-2013 and its projection to 2019.
Political patronage is blackmail. Is buying of votes and the consciousness of citizens, the manipulation of citizens' political action with state resources, "if you help to choose and vote for a particular politician, then your child will have the scholarship, or you have a job a ministry or public institution, have the desired increase in pay, or you will become permanent employees, have access to a housing and housing policy, etc.., etc. "And so, in all aspects of life. This is something that must be paid entirely from the political traditions in Venezuela, if we want a Socialist State Community and serve the people and not a state and a people service operators, bureaucrats and corrupt.

has improved the quality of life of people

As a result of the policies of the revolutionary government of President Chavez and the restructuring of international relations in the country to regain national sovereignty, its impact on the policies of OPEC, the rising oil prices in the international market to overcome the coup in 2002 and hit oil in 2002 - 2003 by the revolutionary mass action and the brave people of Venezuela and its military, the country was between 2005 and 2008 with large foreign exchange earnings.
With these resources, although there is still much corruption within the state and its institutions, has significantly improved the quality of life of the people, to invest heavily in social services: food, health, education and culture (social missions ) in infrastructure and in the creation - with the support of allies like China, Russia, Iran and Argentina, the foundations of a domestic industry capable of, "if managed with socialist orientation, to meet the needs of the population and strengthen the medium-term national sovereignty.

world capitalist crisis and need to overcome the rentier economy with a productive economy communal, social and sustainable

But the situation has changed dramatically: the global crisis of capitalism, with its financial and economic terms, with epicenter in industrialized countries, and global warming is affecting the planet with all its inhabitants, has a strong effect on Venezuela for its impact on the national budget. Oil prices fell in February 2009 to less than $ 40 a barrel, when they were estimated at $ 60 in the national budget for the same period. In previous years the price reached $ 150.

This forced the President and National Assembly to adjust the budget in February 2009 and to raise VAT from 9% to 14%, affecting the amount of available resources for the implementation of many national projects, budgets and development plans of governments and municipalities, and the purchasing power of workers. Nevertheless, investment in social spending remained, thanks to strong international reserves accumulated over several years and development funds created by President Chávez.

The price of crude has risen slowly since March to reach $ 60 in June 2009 and is expected to settle at $ 70 at the end of the year. But the deepening crisis, and converted into a recession, which slows down and even forced to reduce production in the most powerful industrial capitalist countries of Europe, America and Japan, could push prices back down. It is a situation of uncertainty. The building of socialism requires planning and no uncertainty. Or in any case, every day more planning and less uncertainty.

For this, and because the stage current revolution is essential to create new social relations with socialist values \u200b\u200bin the integrated processes of financing, production, distribution, exchange and consumption, planning and participatory budgeting can not rely on identifying the needs and aspirations of the community, defining priorities to request the State, the resources to meet them. This creates dependence on government and non-responsibility between State and Community; disability community and its members. Parasitism and social alienation. Encourages political patronage, bureaucracy and corruption.

is essential to create, with active participation of village economy in transition to socialism, production and services, able to sustainably meet their material and cultural needs, and create the best conditions for maximum stability, security and happiness possible. Thereby advance the true construction of the People, which is necessarily socialist, and the minimization of political patronage, which reproduces the old bourgeois state, which in turn, reproduces the main operating bases of metabolic and reproductive capital: a. Social division and the hierarchical structure of work, b. C. social alienation and The private ownership of the basic means of production. This can be done through Social Owned Enterprises (EPS) with socialist administration, which can be direct social property (commune), indirect (State) or mixed, they combine the social ownership of the communes, with of the state.

Participatory planning, popular power and communal economy

organized communities should be planned with intelligence: how to meet needs as a priority and investing in a sustainable manner, government resources, complemented with forms of community self-financing.
is not only produce things, material goods, must occur at the same time, products and culture socialist promote local endogenous development and regional socialist become less dependent on both the support of the state as imports, since, with several strategically important reasons, should return to a situation of low oil prices the world market, and to the extent that international reserves will decline and social funds, there will be fewer currencies available and therefore is only possible to import essential.

In other words, the People's Communes and the socialist content only exist in a real way, if you have a productive economy, in which the public and workers of a territory, together with the state to local or regional level, take fundamental decisions about: what to produce, how and with what model of management, how to distribute the result of work and how to allocate the surplus generated in the process of financing, production, processing , distribution and consumption.

As President Chávez has directed, this economy must be specified in Direct Social Owned Enterprises (commune) with Socialist management, linked to the productive chains and partner networks in your field or industry. In them, the Indirect Social Property Enterprises (State) play a major role, which must also be structured other forms of property social and private (including cooperatives).

This applies in all sectors of the economy but, in this incipient period (though critical) transition from capitalism to socialism, they should give priority to: the sovereignty and people's food security, health, education and culture, housing, the right to decent work, not alienated or exploited; and daily delivery services of all kinds to the public through multiple trades workers organized interdisciplinary way in EPS: masonry, plumbing, electrical, carpentry , etc., etc.

key criteria for selecting projects Social Owned Enterprises (EPS) to finance

As mentioned above, in the midst of economic crisis and overall global capitalist system and its outreach to Venezuela in various fields of economic, social, political, cultural and military, and taking into account: a.

The cuts made to the national budget and therefore to all governors, mayors and state institutions;
b. The accumulated historical experience and approaches of President Chávez on political economy broadcast on television and wrote weekly "Chavez Lines"
c. Socialist logic Community minimum necessary

propose the following general tips in later writings that will be applied specifically and explaining the issue of sovereignty and food security:

• EPS projects may only be financed by the state through Single System of Financing of Community Councils (SAFONAC) INAPIMI, BANDES, BANFOANDES, BANMUJER, etc., whether between different technical requirements and mandatory, (which can not be the same as those required for capital projects) have been formulated with active participation of social actors who are going to run as well as those to be affected or influenced by their activity, and also for the recipients of your products or services.
• That some spokesmen of Community Councils and key community leaders in the formulation of the project are financed by public institutions on a temporary basis. Thus they could devote the necessary time to contribute effectively in the formulation of projects of some complexity, which require considerable time and effort, as could be, for example: agro-processing plants, deposits communal building materials and hardware; housing projects community, the Community market. • All projects
EPS for the same state, or to be developed in the territory of a community under construction, should be considered in an interrelated way and systemic. This can be reflected in a matrix built collectively (with their own methodologies) with joint participation of members of public, community councils and other existing social organizations. Subsequently be developed in its many aspects and dimensions.
• Focus on a few priority projects, the existing manpower and resources of all types available (or likely to get): financial, technical, natural, environmental, infrastructure, etc.., to achieve real success stories of building a socialist economy and culture will serve as a reference and comparison factor. The initial successes, will create a favorable social and political environment for future projects EPS.

• These projects must be located in areas where there the best social and political conditions to advance socialist construction. For example, well-organized communal councils and really active, PSUV well directed and attuned to the population, Mayor revolutionary Socialist Training School, etc.., Together with the technical conditions required by pre-feasibility study.

• These projects will be approved only if they have been designed in an integrated way (those that are incomplete must complete.) Should contain all the productive chain and partner network (although some links may already exist and only then missing items), because otherwise, as experience shows, will be subordinated and made by monopolies links in the reproduction of capitalism.

• The socio-productive chains and networks should include: a.

Funding. B.
Primary production (agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry or mining). C.
The collection and transport. D.
Industrial processing and agribusiness. E.
Distribution. F.
The Exchange. G.
Final consumption.
h. The distribution of surpluses. I.
Training in social management and training.

PNSB • According to 2007-2013 and presidential guidance, participation in these projects and its production partner networks, various forms of ownership (including private, which are part of cooperatives), but ensuring the hegemony of Social Property: Indirect (State) and Direct (communities) on private property, so basically, the final results in terms of products and services (access, quality and price) and the distribution of surplus to benefit the people and the State to its service, and serve to create a productive economy with social relations of production, distribution, exchange and consumption, with a socialist orientation.

• The structural links of the chains, (ie, that determine the strategic direction of the same) should be socially owned, direct, indirect, or mixed between the two, and if private participation, this should always be minority.

• Apply a matrix management model Socialist (See Polyether Magazine year 1, 2009, No. 5, Training and Management Socialist Conclusions of the third national seminar on management training and socialist, Page No. 40) to draft and refine EPS with social participation, ie the subjects that will be involved in its implementation. This should be a compulsory and will be a collective learning process of building socialism and planned with social participation. If these conditions do not exist is better to withdraw from the project concerned.

• Each project must have for their development and correct orientation, with at least one mid-level political picture socialist trained and proven political will (hopefully also with vocational training and technical information to the project) and have included as an essential element, the creation of a Socialist training school for all social subjects participating in the production chain and partner network in question. If this is not true, it makes no sense for the Government that the project is financed by the state, because only generate more capital.

• To form the set of tables requires the existence of a Socialist School state or regional level, with a didactic training program for facilitators who will work in all other socialist training schools: The state, of Company Social Property (EPS) chain and partner network productive freely associated producers, Community Councils and Communities, of Ministries, governors and mayors.

• Using mass media to disseminate the projects and their subsequent achievements, facilitating the intercommunication of social subjects and training in the management model socialist, workers of enterprises and other economic units linked to the networks, partner networks and communities productive.

These suggestions may be added many others, emerged from the diverse experiences in a particular situation in each state or region, or different population groups, as they could be the communities of African descent, indigenous, peasant, women, youth, the homeless, prisoners, alternative media, etc.

is important to consider the possibility of linking the maximum possible in these projects to revolutionary political paintings (some of which also can be professionals and technicians) from the ALBA countries, and social organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean that are related to the Bolivarian socialist revolution, as this will be an important supportive process, twinning of towns, to build together the greatest potential for liberating the people, communities and individuals the continent.

social networking


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