Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Instructions Safety Pin Watch


Corena Jaime P.
Then look at the consistency of guideline IV PNSB with socialist theory and some measures of leadership of the revolution to develop.


PNSB Guideline IV (initialed by President Chávez) is consistent with the original socialist proposal and subject to current development of socialist theory, which we believe expresses very well the work of Meszaros in his book Beyond Capital. The guideline states:

"In order to achieve meaningful work, it will seek the elimination of social division, the hierarchical structure and the choice between meeting human needs and the production of wealth subject to the reproduction of capital. "

ORIGINAL consistent with the theory.

precisely in the German Ideology, Marx and Engels (page 43, Volume I, The Dog and the Frog, 2007, Caracas), suggest that the possibility of falling into strong dialectical clash (antagonistic contradiction) the material and spiritual activities, enjoyment and work, production and consumption (assigned to different individuals), lives only to re-abandon the social division of labor (Emphasis added.)

is clear then that the search for the elimination of social division of labor and hierarchy, according to PNSB, original sense. But a question arises: In the concrete conditions of deepening the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela and its current international and regional context, how progressive steps in that direction? The Soviet revolution could do little or nothing about it and China so far does not show results to note.


In Beyond Capital, Mészáros, (page 851, Vadell Hermanos, Caracas-Valencia, 2001), precisely in keeping with the original idea:
"Since the goal of social emancipation is the radical improvement hierarchical social division of labor inherited much care how can transitional material forms of mediation effectively undertake the task of restructuring the framework metabolic postrevolutionary society. "

A form of mediation that is transitional material that we mean when we ask about the next steps to advance this goal of emancipation. The current state of the answer to this question is a task that the leadership of the revolution, the Council of Ministers, the Bureau of the PSUV and the National Assembly should deal with broader support in the participation of (as) employees (as) .

Judging by what we see, in social relations that are still playing in the companies we can say we are part of the area of \u200b\u200bthe socialist economy, there are very few traces mark so far in the direction of seeking to eliminate the social division of labor and hierarchy. The old order's cultural capital, business management still dominates. And in the organization of work in the institutions of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the thing has not changed much (almost none of these has developed a plan to advance the guideline IV). This, despite the fact that since December 2006, President Chávez called to build a socialist economy.

As elements of the transitional material mediation that raises awareness and training mass socialist and pictures are, in our view and others (on the shoulders of social property and / or community):

• Assembly's approval of the work of the budgets of the companies and their implementation.
• The participatory definition of costs, prices, surpluses and distribution of the latter.
• Introducing participatory new products to meet human needs and the country.
• Creation box participatory management of the company and the election by direct suffrage and secret management.
• The scientific and technological development, quality and productivity through research and development units of participation.
• Accreditation and empowerment knowledge acquired through work experience in business and in partnership with universities.

If these items and other relevant not begin to incorporate the business life, they become difficult to save and (so far there is little about the Bolivarian Revolution), but we overcome these difficulties may occur which Mészáros says (op. cit p. 851):

"For a progressive failure to put under control of the forces that continue to reproduce the wicked structural parameters of hierarchical decision making, bequeathed by the past, condemning the socialist project in the best cases, the stagnation if not a recession and involution. "

breeding of these forces of the past if there is much in the ministries of economy and nationalized some businesses. Discuss their influence on the delay of the implementation of Guideline IV PNSB is a task that the Socialists must not shirk.


So far this year 2009, especially in the second quarter, President Chavez, in events in Guyana and eastern coast of Lake has made three momentous announcements of his government in relation to the development of guideline IV of PNSB:
• All nationalized enterprises in Guyana would be part of a subsystem socialist construction (art business complex worker), whose interior socialist social relations would be established according to some notes he had about the same workers at an event, whose closing ceremony was the president himself. Could be chosen
• business managers of the complex by direct vote, after definition of rules that prevent the reproduction of power pernicious group.
• A large part of the surplus produced by workers of the nationalized companies that provide services to PDVSA on the East Coast of the Lake, could be distributed according to priorities of social development, workers' councils of these businesses and community councils in that territory.

Hopefully these measures announced by the president, are part of the debate (3R) than on socialist construction must take place within the PSUV, in directing the economy ministries and the National Assembly. And therefore from the freely associated producers of goods and services.

measures that are sustained over time and generalized work would aim to (manager-operational) involved in making key decisions of firms and the economy as a whole and feel some of the bases of the irreversibility of revolution. Chavez thus substantially start betting so Mészáros (page 851 op cit) states:

".... Will remain equally true that in a very deep sense the pattern of measurement of the socialist achievements is to what extent the measures and policies adopted actively contribute to the establishment and consolidation in a well-established substantially democratic (ie, truly non-hierarchical in its mode of operation in all areas) of social control and general self. Therefore, there is no way that the views of a socialist thinker about the division of labor resulting expendable. "

measures mediation transitional materials to complete the democratization of politics, economics and knowledge production in socialist construction, should lead to the development of socially owned enterprises and / or community of high productivity and quality, so that progressively by the work itself shows that the Socialism is superior to capitalism in all spheres of human activity, and therefore has to be controlled in a socially conscious (social learning and become usual mass) metabolic reproduction of capital (social division of labor and hierarchy .) The latter is not involved in the current stage of socialist construction under ALBA, delete individual responsibilities in operational or managerial jobs, but that work as a whole gradually assume (not a trickle) assembly-making of political decisions and economic fundamentals.

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