Saturday, July 4, 2009

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Five Theses of the road in Honduras

Socialist Construction
Once again the Latin American working people have learned in two weeks what in earlier times it will take decades and the situation the coup carried out in Honduras clearly showed five theses on the political problem in Latin America.

1. How to develop the contradictions within imperialism.

Imperialism as we know it is not a homogeneous mass acting under the orders of the President of the United States, but rather, is the economic power of the big companies who determine the policy of the political groups and especially the policy U.S..
The difference between this handful of imperialist political group consists mostly of different geo-political priorities and economic effects of which start to transcend the structural crisis of capital. For example, the priority output of the pro-Jewish lobby is based on the control of the middle east (Afghanistan-Iraq-Pakistan) in the disarmament of the Palestinian state and its respective control by the state of Israel and the destruction of Iran's military potential.

other hand and according to the thesis from Kissinger geopolitical priority for U.S. imperialism is to control the economic threat of China and the Russian military power, on this the Clinton and Obama agree with the difference of the necessary control over Afghanistan. But one sector of the Republican Party (Bush, Negroponte and Otto Reich Latin America) consider it important to stop the popular name that has been burned in our continent and put his hand to Venezuelan oil.

Honduras Then the coup was led by a large fraction of the Republican Party (Otto Reich, John Negroponte Hugo Llorens) without consultation with President Obama and that military action was a direct blow against the ALBA and not just against the people Honduras.

2. Gramscian thesis on the Philosophy of Praxis.

For Gramsci "jumping on the organization of consciousness are made specifically mediated by practice, ie that a revolutionary consciousness would result from the dialectic between reflection and practice, but especially in ethical commitment to the construction of certain ends. This approach has been rejected mainly because most of the outdated schools, movements and parties "pseudo-Marxist or Marxian", those that focused on sectarian principles above the working class, always tending to volunteerism, the Enlightenment, divorce with the masses, the closed circles and deformation of the political action of the Communists. Today
against these groups look to leaders such as Rafael Correa from the Chicago school, for example, or the case of Hugo Chavez of being a soldier who raised the Bolivarian political means, then the third way mas tarde el antiimperialismo hasta proclamar la transición al socialismo; los vemos dirigiendo procesos profundamente populares, revolucionarios y antiimperialistas, moviéndose sin recetas o dogmas sobre escenarios verdaderamente complejos pero al mismo tiempo abriendo espacios a la organización de los pueblos trabajadores, levantando las banderas del socialismo; De esa forma se ha venido cumpliendo la máxima de Albert Einstein: “si los principios éticos son sólidos, vivos y dinámicos, estos serán acompañados por millones de personas que de manera semiinconsciente determinan el ritmo de la historia”.

Es este el caso del presidente hondureño Manuel Zelaya, quién viene de ser terrateniente, empresario del negocio de la madera, y quien gana las elecciones al frente del partido liberal (partido de derecha); comienza a experimentar una transformación en su política por la expectativa que han despertado los procesos políticos revolucionarios en el continente, especialmente en el movimiento popular, esto también influyó gracias a parte de su gabinete; es así como pide el ingreso de Honduras al ALBA, lucha por el aumento salarial de los trabajadores y por una constituyente que sentara las bases de una democracia participativa.

Es por estas políticas que se ocasiona una ruptura no solo en las filas del partido liberal, no sólo en la conciencia del movimiento popular, sino también entre el órgano ejecutivo or government to the bourgeois character of the state, bringing as a result the right-wing coup.

3. Of how a democratic government with popular support is forced to confront a bourgeois state.

In Lenin's view that there are social times have a situation where there is a status that ensures the domination of one class over another, but at the same time and by infighting, the state may have a variation in the forms of government . Today Honduras is a living example of this, we have seen the Zelaya government supported by the masses on the pretense of moving from one form of representative democracy to a form of democracy participatory and popular, he found the refusal of the entire bourgeois state power (military, congress, courts and police) to fulfill its role in a coordinated way "to preserve and reproduce metabolically order of capital."

But Zelaya was not the first in the short history of ALBA in transit through this confrontation and we are sure you will not be the last example, remember the confrontation between Indians and representatives of the Bolivian Congress to approve the election of a constituent, in Venezuela Enabling Legislation in 2001 led to a right-wing coup in 2002, also in Ecuador won the popular mobilization to the right. A pesar de estas victorias relativas hoy se presenta la siguiente contradicción para la revolución latinoamericana: el carácter popular de los gobiernos del ALBA vs. el carácter burgués de sus estados nacionales; esta contradicción tiene dos caminos: 1) las revoluciones populares se desgastan por las trabas de los propios estados nacionales y las denuncias insistentes de las oposiciones pro-imperialistas con el uso de los medios o 2) las revoluciones populares organizan un nuevo estado participativo de tipo socialista conformado por la organización del pueblo trabajador como clase dominante.

4. La fuerza de la opinión pública y la movilización popular para enfrentar golpes de derecha.

La sociedad mundial se ha acercado y ha mejorado la efectividad de la comunicación a través del uso y desarrollo de la tecnología; las mismas han sido puestas al servicio de la dominación de las ideas del imperialismo, pero también han constituido un arma para que las ideas revolucionarias circulen con impresionante alcance y rapidez; en Chile por ejemplo observamos como una revuelta estudiantil se organizó en menos de una hora con el uso de la telefonía celular, lo mismo ha ocurrido en Europa y ahora en Honduras vimos como las imágenes captadas por TELESUR sirvieron a la opinión publica internacional para desmontar la matriz de CNN; igualmente emisoras de radio de Honduras transmitieron a través de Internet las acciones del golpismo and resistance of peoples, the videos captured by cell phones to the Internet arrived and were taken by news in the world.
This allowed a rapid development in the popular movement in Honduras and outside the country, as Marx pointed out that the ideas when they were seized by the masses were a great material force, this time the ideas circulated with appropriate speed and the mobilized masses are showing that they are those that determine the evolution of humanity.

5. The validity of ALBA and its importance to the Latin American revolution

ALBA went from being in a short time alternative to neoliberalism rhetoric to a political alliance on revolutionary principles: the Way of ALBA is based on progressive governments that are an expression of popular mobilization, this instrument was able to lobby international bodies like the OAS, Rio Group, SICA to condemn the coup in Honduras, moved with great forcefulness to intimidate the coup of right close, accusing.
This alliance in its early days made a good omen for his role in the development of Latin American revolutionary, if it can transcend to the unity of working people in the continent, organized for the socialist party in power for workers, no force will be able to subdue this powerful unit.

By: Schools People's Power / Carabobo, Front Educators, FRAPOM (artistic revolutionary front country or death), Warriors Youth (high school students), Movement for Transforming Education (University), with Class Gender Feminist Movement, organizing committee (Carabobo) Labour Congress by the socialist administration.

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