Sunday, June 28, 2009

Woemen Long Leg Panties

ALBA Solidarity unrestricted with the people of Honduras

The recent coup d'etat in Honduras against the legitimate and democratic government of Manuel Zelaya, is not only an unacceptable attack against the people of that sister nation Central American but also a direct attack on the process Latin American and Caribbean integration has its peak in the momentum of the ALBA TCP.

As part of the global crisis of capitalism, where the rise of peoples, workers and women workers is increased, the Honduran bourgeoisie and an important sector of right-wing military leaders have decided to take the shortcut to break the thread constitutional, violating all human rights, political and civil rights of sons and daughters of Morazán. This cowardly act is just another attempt by imperialism and its lackeys to stop the processes of historical change that have been underway in the region over the past 10 years.

not hesitate to affirm Honduras this aggression is an aggression against all peoples who have decided to build a different society to which we condemned imperialism, dependent capitalism, poverty, unemployment, hunger. Honduras attack is attacking the TCP ALBA, UNASUR is attacking.

We call upon the peoples of the world, workers, governments, revolutionary political parties, the various social organizations to actively move to restore constitutional order in Honduras to return the government of President Manuel Zelaya, to wipe out the coup and locking them up.

demand decisive action from multilateral agencies UN, OAS, this situation will measure again if they are legitimate or are a bureaucratic bodies should disappear forever.

We can not accept more abuses of the peoples. We can not allow the dreams of the exploited, of the dispossessed are again frustrated.

Unit of the people to defeat imperialism
Unity and women workers to overcome the crisis of capitalism

Construction, gender to class. SurVersiva youth, social networking

Social networking


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