Saturday, June 27, 2009

How Do You Refuse A Gift Gracefully

About Single Party and Socialism of the XXI Century or ethics ecosocialist

Malim Rebellion
called The Fall of Real Socialism, especially the Soviet exacerbated the confusion about basic aspects of Marxist and Leninist ideology, such as the role of the party, the protagonists of the working masses of the revolutionary process with alternative forms of organization and power struggles, confusion about the form of organization that has organized the bourgeoisie as the ruling class with either State on the formulation republican, monarchical and fake democracy where workers exploited and alienated from their political responsibility delegated the so-called political class, with parties who are responsible for managing the capitalist order, call themselves conservatives, liberals, socialists, workers, etc., alternating engaged in the exercise of government when these are burned by not solving the real problems people as are the basic aspects of existence: the right to permanent employment, housing, health free to free education. No possibility of control and even repudiation by the people when they abuse the trust placed in them, waiting to pass the years to elect the other party alternation in confidence to do better.

are many revolutionaries who blame Stalin or his followers for personal and bureaucratic malfeasance that led to the collapse of the USSR, fall to the bottom of why he fell, someone dares to say that confusion that workers came to his defense, unaware of the diversion that occurred at the death of Lenin, to encroach upon the development of direct democracy from the bottom up it was the Soviet power, and indeed consolidate a bourgeois form of democracy called Soviet, but it was not, with all elements of its false division of powers and electoral false game, where the people could not control or revoke bureaucrats installed in power.

Some revolutionary bourgeois coinciding with the epithets of that revolution, considered that it was a dictatorship, but dare not do adjectives like bourgeois Communist. These if somehow depart from materialist to define it, are very clear that for them, such as social class is a dictatorship because it kills its privileges, not only for the nationalization of the means production, but because being a minority class, direct democracy from below which was originally the Soviet revolution, prevented them from deceiving the majority class who were the workers and poor peasants, as in these bourgeois democracy accept the deceptive government proposals that perpetuate the bourgeois order and their class interests. Confused when the "democratic" bourgeois democracy by way of delegated to the political class, supported as democratic model, even said that it belongs to the "rule of law", it is because the exploitation of man by man done "democratically." No we understand the physical character and class in which to settle the forms of power that democracy can not exist, or is workers' democracy, or democracy is bourgeois dictatorship of the workers over the bourgeoisie or the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie on exploited, either in their formulation "democratic" or physical dictatorial style of Hitlerism, Pinochets shift when even in the institutional game bourgeois class interests are threatened by resorting to the last link repressive bourgeois state is the military. This confusion makes
say revolutionary dreamers of socialism, socialism of the twentieth century was a resounding failure, generally deny of the Soviet experience without understanding the positives and negatives of that event, the bottom of what led to the alternative organization of struggle and power through the Soviet workers, peasants and soldiers organized as the ruling class from the bottom up. Not understanding the form and substance of historical experience that if Marx failed to see after the spontaneous example of struggle and power that was the Paris Commune in 1871, or 1905, also appreciated and valued Lenin with the rise of Soviet Russia. Without understanding that this experience with the support of the revolutionary organizations in their development, twelve years later ended the tsarist and capitalism. Consider that those events historical forms of the past are no alternative fund grassroots organization that does not deserve to interpret today as an alternative revolutionary organization. Do not understand that this form of Soviet organization was to a degree of development and organization sufficient to kill the Tsar and capitalism, but insufficient, given the material, cultural, scientific in that backward country, that the day after the victory of the revolution, functioned in the country that new administrative apparatus and productive gubernatorial direct democracy based on bottom-up permanent it was the Soviet organization. Clearly

heads have not emerged with the capacity development of Marxist philosophy that took Lenin, to synthesize the basics, and in the imperialist stage of capitalism, how could appreciate the inter-imperialist contradictions and using them to develop a policy and organization revolutionary. Prepend knew the character of the international class struggle to the national defense of the homeland in World War I, who defended the alleged Marxists of the time, refused to Soviet power, despite its limited development outside abandoned and handed over power to the Duma, the false bourgeois parliamentarism. What happened next after the illness and death of Lenin, requires a debate that goes beyond the topic of this article on the Venezuelan experience. Stalin, who had no intellectual capacity Marxist Lenin, with its authoritarianism, its concept development vulgar material, got that backward country would a giant step in the productive, even in the military was instrumental in the defeat of the form fascist imperialist and bourgeois power during World War II, all at the expense of curtailing the Soviet power. It should be noted, the similarities of imperialist power starred behind the figure of Hitler, with the current stars in the modern Hitler called Bush and his cohorts of second row. Nor can we forget that the constitution Leninist Soviet Stalin's proposal was repealed on June 11, 1936 and replaced by another Soviet constitution continued to call, but it was not. Was the practice that had developed after the death of Lenin. Political commissars imposed by the party, like the commissioners under another name, "political class, the bourgeoisie in power imposes his false democratic game, the better stewards of the bourgeois order organized in various games. Palmiro Togliatti

at the symposium organized by the Gramsci Institute in January 1958, said: "There are Lenin, at least, three main chapters, which determine the whole development action and thought: a doctrine of Imperialism as the Highest Stage of Capitalism, a doctrine of the Revolution, and therefore, the State and power, and a doctrine of the Party. Three chapters are closely linked, nearly fused to each other. Each contains a theory and practice, when developing an effective reality. "

This synthesis of Lenin's revolutionary thought, developed to present to the struggle against imperialism nationally and internationally, we can appreciate in these works: "What to do?" 1 "," Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism, "The State and Revolution "2," Infantile Disorder 'leftism' in communism. "

As stated in the Communist Manifesto, the Communists are not something apart from the workers, but, the only difference that separates them is the knowledge of Marxist philosophy which is based on a scientific basis for its materialist method dialectical and objectively analyze the material and spiritual reality, without which objectivity would be impossible to help transform it. Worker born workers are not born with communist consciousness, hence the responsibility of the communists to bring social science knowledge that is Marxism, in order to help them become aware of class and power exercise direct revolutionary starring role it deserves. The game helps but does not replace the protagonist in the revolutionary process that corresponds to exercise workers. Hence the ideologically united party can generate a truly democratic internal organization that is moral and practical example to the entire workforce, a lifelong activist participatory democracy and bottom-up which allows to merge with the entire workforce in schools production, social, educational, etc., to exercise their influence and ideological education to enable the imposed exile from the dominant bourgeois ideology, with its false and untrue state democracy.

The people do not understand the class nature of the world they live in, the tremendous capacity of the media apparatus and confusion in the hands of the bourgeoisie that makes them forget the previous actions of these parties that were already leaders and managers of the capitalist order. The power of alienating the bourgeoisie made with the new information technology, especially TV, commercials with their repugnant and stupid consumerist messages that generate false needs, keeps operating on the individualism and lack of solidarity, especially countries "more developed" first world living in tremendous fear and anxiety that no one explains.

In the current phase of imperialist domination with their powerful means of destruction and alienation, get confused not only the people but that confuses us all, including those who consider ourselves defenders of Marxism and Leninism, and other "isms" anti-capitalist clear evidence is the existence and ideological dispersion manifested by so many groups nationally and internationally unable to give the great battle against the real enemy imperialist organizations internationally organized repressive military, economic and ideological interpretations from more or less liberal or conservative .

In Venezuela when considering the term Century Socialism XXI can be induced to certain idealistic interpretations on the merits of the power of organized labor as the ruling class, neglecting the historical strengths, which gave rise to alternative forms of direct and participatory democracy from the bottom up, not finished growing by the material conditions historic moments, but remain valid for the alternative character they had. When terminology definitions do not correspond with objective reality of the term, introduce elements of confusion, as in the case of induced on the Commune or the Soviet, whose background as defined interpretation of the classic appropriateness the alternative state of the proletarians and the exploited peasants organized as the ruling class from the bottom up.

coined the term moral example representing President Chavez on the XXI century socialism, we must understand that does not deny those positive historical experiences, but with other names, given the handling and discredit the dominant bourgeois ideology has imposed on them, even among purported Marxists, Chavez and his proposals on the community councils, missions, parishes, neighborhoods in the cooperatives, the example of choice of managers and other terminologies ALCASA is enabling education popular participation and bottom-up, laying the groundwork for what has to be the new alternative constitution of the working people organized as the ruling class in its new state alternative is socialism, where democracy from the bottom up and not delegated in the political class, but lays the foundation for the work ceases to be alienated, to stop dividing human beings to be alone with productive capacity in people with political capacity, by eliminating the bourgeois terminology of civil society and political class. Under socialism all workers are politicians because they are participatory organizational mechanisms directly and permanently to make it possible. The controlling workers directly from their places of productive work, social or cultural and social aspects of production such, they can choose and control at all times, even dismiss elected officials who have been elected to represent them in productive work, social and governmental. These organizational forms of struggle and alternative power are the ones that took place in the nineteenth and twentieth century, the problem is that Marx and Lenin when they learned to appreciate those spontaneous forms of workers, they were not invented but were initiatives workers themselves. Initiative as we said, Lenin was able to support and promote them until twelve years later in 1917 reached such a level of organization that allowed overthrow the tsarist and capitalism. Today the bourgeoisie if they know when their privileges may be jeopardized and that with their powerful means of alienation, confusion and repression prevents spontaneous demonstrations of workers who always take place, not developed, are accused of terrorist acts (now under communist), accusing them of being anti-democratic elements that do not respect "the rule of law."

incurred attempts occurred on Socialism in the Nineteenth Century, XX, XXI and XXII have the, on the assumption that we will succeed in this century, imperialist barbarity does not end with any sign of life in the planet. Not a question to idealize this or that world, but to implement and develop accordingly Marxist philosophy to apply to the current historical moment, to understand the material and spiritual contradictions of social forces in conflict at this time nationally and internationally.

is a pity that the alleged Marxist talk of the "rule of law," hang him from heaven, as if states did not respond at each moment in history, from slavery, feudalism and capitalism, the needs of social class in power. In this regard we must say that without an understanding of material and scientific basis of the historical role of the state and democracy, there is Marxism worth, and know what world we live. Worryingly

people identified with the revolutionary process say that "twentieth century socialism that failed miserably" 3, which shows failure to grasp the material basis on which sit the revolutionary process, not understanding or denying the historical materialism to invent new concepts, making the term motor century modernization of socialist revolution, forget that, despite the blockade and the attempts of imperialism, in that age there is still a socialist Cuba. Say: "If you raise the idea of \u200b\u200bsocialism in the XXI century as a historical experience new, radically democratic, to incorporate and celebrate the diversity of human cultural experience and is capable of harmony with all life forms on the planet, requires a deep critique of that historical experience. Without a crude diagnostic reasons why the party-state model led to the establishment of Soviet authoritarian order that had its highest expression in Stalinism, there are no tools to prevent against the threat of repetition. Without a radical questioning of the Eurocentric philosophy of history that prevailed under socialism-Marxism of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, it is possible to incorporate one of the most formidable achievements of the struggles of the peoples of around the globe in recent decades, the demand of the vast plurality of human cultural historical experience and the right of peoples to preserve their identities, their ways of thinking, knowing, feeling, living "4. Merges Marxism and Leninism as interpreted to this philosophy of socialism, Marxism can be Eurocentric, characteristic of past centuries as were the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that nothing positive can make the most worrying and forget what has been discussed before on the organizational basis and alternative upholding the communal state, Soviet or as we like to call it democracy with very specific, that in no way resembles the bourgeois democracy based community in power from below, with the possibility of control and withdrawal at any time of elected officials.

Understanding diversity is a necessity, but diversity is positive and negative aspects, not all experiences are positive. Only the method of dialectical materialist analysis and allows us an objective understanding of science-based, allowing complex material harmony material world, the ecological and human. The dialectical unity of the human and ecological finite understanding the ways in which matter appears to allow us to understand that oil is finite matter, just as are other matters that have led to false development consumerism that is destroying the environment. It is necessary to overcome the mentality imposed, we have little historical time in order to address the future that will present when at least 40 years oil disappears, but so far despite the bourgeois optimism, there is no energy materials to replace him. If any would have already been implemented, would retain the oil in case they fail, rather than increasing consumption increases that matter, which may be exhausted before the predictions were made about 40 years. 5

As idealistic interpretation of the term can be made authoritative, which can induce the anarchist anti-authoritarianism, it should be noted that when we assume the need for the organization we are assuming certain authoritarianism to establish different positions of responsibility, which is needed to develop complex production processes and political, not enough to believe that to be a worker is sufficient for a political project or a company function, we need also the best political specialists, technical specialists and engineers, who have a professional authority, which does not mean that a worker on a popular real power structure can become the best politician or the director of the company, as it happens, setting an example, in housing cooperatives, where workers could, arise even in the capitalist system specified number of houses built for members, where they choose between the Governing Board, the president of the cooperative, which very well may be exercised one of the working partners. This governing board, the president can hire and manage the necessary technical architects, surveyors, builders, etc. Imagine that such a cooperative socialism, where the means of production, social, cultural, etc., Are not owned by a cooperative group, but all working people organized as the ruling class in the proletarian state, truly Soviet communal or as we like to call it but that the project meets state organizational bottom-up, which has nothing to do with bourgeois democracy where the people delegate their political responsibility in the so-called political class made up in various "democratic" parties.

Democratic centralism is the proletarian democracy, bureaucratic centralism is only of bourgeois democracy. Their forms by the fund and organization are completely opposite. Grassroots democracy, or democracy from above. Permanent direct control, or false control every X number of years with new elections when the party in power is burned to the people. Do NOT be alarmed by Chavez's authority, that alone is asustémonos Chavez confidence that leads to the great socialist Bolivarian project in their journey toward full communism and solidarity. Chavez is not God, is part of the complex material material world, which like all human beings will someday be called to the heavenly paradise (like "god" who is within two hundred years), God is all the people exercise power directly, as other words, said Raul Castro at the congress of the youth, referring to Fidel's replacement for each of those young people. The one-party ideologically united around Marxism and Leninism is that it may have the educational role that allows the people organized as the ruling class and exercise all the power. Is the real material and moral authority. Trust is the triumph of ideological cohesion that results in one-party organization that allows for all to exercise the power to bring all the people the ideological message that you can understand the revolutionary role it deserves, and that working people longer be divided into productive and single politician to choose one or another bourgeois party or parties alternating unique bureaucratic socialism as were those of that socialism. The organized, following the Venezuelan initiatives, from the production centers choosing managers of industries directors, from and among Workers will begin to act like being productive and political control of production by engaging in collective ownership that goes beyond cooperative bourgeois conception, choosing from the centers of production, study, culture, education, etc., its delegates to local governments and industry. Building the Great Pyramid of proletarian power which lies in a permanent broad base of participation, a base for their organization elects its representatives by the mandate, they can control and removal at any time because he has not fulfilled the mandate received, because it does not deserve the trust, or for the simple reason that in that year permanent participatory democracy has emerged a new partner with greater skills to derive more representative role.

Infiltrators in Chavez accept the community councils, but limited its exercise to local performances, not as a basis to give rise to the great pyramid in which power sits to the top governmental popular that facilitates the overall planning and democratic centralism , that allows to develop and strengthen socialism in the productive and governmental. They are afraid to impose a constitution with this form of popular democracy that allows the control and a permanent revocation, so do not consider it necessary to change the current constitution, claiming that the government changes are made every x years instead of when the people deem necessary at any time will do everything possible because changes are not made by the community organization, like the attempt that was the Paris Commune or the Soviet Leninist.

are mistaken who believe that the single party can form a kind of tax decree, would be tantamount to denying the material reality that has led to the existence of so many trends in organized groups such as the anarchist, Trotskyite, Marxist Leninist, reformist socialism with their particular names, Catholic groups critical of the official church and defenders cause of socialist solidarity, etc. Only sustained ideological debate in the dialectical materialist method that takes into account the scientific basis of Marxist philosophy is founded, developed the present time material and spiritual, can give rise to ideological consistency that allows a group with enough revolutionary organizational structure to influence to advance the socialist revolution and sent to the dustbin of history the old bourgeois state. You can not confuse the need for left unity around a common agenda in the short to medium term, a party must have a long-term program that would assist in the consolidation of socialism to move towards communism, without giving cause backtracking as with the false socialism. People do not change their mentality and ideology by simply changing the name of the party initials. If not based on such a basis for deepening ideological debate that enables a structure of power and direct democracy and participatory bottom-up, the tax and debate PSUV will be the best vehicle where the "buds" embedded on Chavez, based on ideological tendencies within it less settled in the dialectical materialist philosophy and may continue to pursue with greater assurance and anti confusionist work for their personal privilege, to defend the bourgeois forms of constitution and prevent the adoption of a constitution that meets the need of socialist power, based on the community councils from the bottom to the top of governmental power. Defenders "of the vast plurality, its ways of thinking, knowing, feeling, living" from the idealistic thought that encompasses the vast plurality of individualism, materialism dialectical deniers, advocates of universal suffrage false bourgeois democracy who deny the reality of man as a party to the complex world of material needed to live in harmony and solidarity among all humans and all of nature, will the best allies of the "buds."

1 Link with this work. It requires a mental effort to place ourselves at that historical moment of the dispersal of groups who consider themselves Marxists divided locally and from the clandestine nature to which they were compelled to act: lenin / que_hacer.asp

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