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Bourgeois and Proletarian: the struggle continues

By Luis R Delgado J
The current crisis of capitalism, which by far is the most serious of its existence, continues to confirm that the so-called theories of history or the neoliberal permanent stadium were among the many tales he has invented the bourgeoisie over the centuries to perpetuate its supremacy over the rest of society, workers and women. Obviously

Class Struggle did not stop, in fact in many places has intensified. The world oligarchs stepped up its attack on the villages under the pretext of carrying out missions civilizing, democratic, deeply human rights defenders, carrying an alleged "progress", and in recent years with the support of the fight against " Terrorism "and" Narcotics. " It is not the first time this happens, the powerful always seek ethical reasons to justify their abuses of the exploited and oppressed.

face this, people have not been with his arms crossed. In Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia Palestine and fight the imperialist military aggression. In Asia struggle to build independent and prosperous societies. In much of Africa is struggling to survive and build a better future. In the center of world capitalism, workers are struggling to defend their gains achieved in decades of fighting. In Latin America and the Caribbean, people are determined to build a viable alternative to capitalist society, seeking to break the shackles of American imperialism. Across the globe are fighting for another world is possible and necessary.

In this way, capitalism in recent decades has shown the terrible destructive power of the two main sources of wealth; nature and humanity. On one side is threatening the survival of the diverse ecosystems and life on the planet product eco-predatory logic of capital. On the other hand humanity is subjected to the cruelest exploitation product of the contradiction between capital and labor, to the systematic oppression of the State Capital gendarmes and police, to patriarchal oppression that condemns women to a terrible exploitation, oppression and subordination to men dominant to adult-centric oppression that condemns young people to a back seat to adult society, the Western ethnocentrism overwhelms native cultures and ancient of the five continents through the export of Unique Thought (Ramonet 2003), and the ignominious end to exclusion invisible to millions of people, who ejected from the basic human rights such as basic social services such as education, health, food, housing, among others.
This fight multiple which are obvious various social, political, economic and cultural, is torn by a contradiction described by Marx and Engels 160 years ago in the Communist Manifesto, the contradiction between bourgeois and proletarian. Without simplifications this is still a fundamental struggle, although have changed many features and aspects of the way, but the essence and content of the struggle between the bourgeoisie and the working class is kept, the bourgeois has continued his quest to emphasize the exploitation of the surplus of workers, ie has not stopped in their eagerness to increase their income day after day. It focuses, many traps, try to reduce real wages, develops technologies to increase productivity at work and keep paying the same wages, you find that the workers and the workers work longer for the same pay, seeks to destroy social security of the working class, seeks to eradicate the political parties, unions and other labor organizations to exploit to the salaried class more intensely, but more importantly that the bourgeoisie is trying to achieve is to divide the proletariat, the working class, to compete with each other, to weaken in the struggle:

"... capital requires the separation and The division between employees to seize the fruits of cooperation in production. The tendency to "divide and conquer" is inherent in wage labor to capital. As wage labor is present throughout the cycle of capital if it wants to make its goal, it is essential a permanent separation and division of labor "(Lebowitz 2006, p. 166).

These contradictions permanently reproduced worldwide, as well as daily playing the process of primitive accumulation of capital in different parts of the world where subsistence rural economy is being displaced and destroyed at a breathtaking pace. In this sense capitalism has continued to rely on extra-economic mechanisms to achieve its goals of enhanced accumulation, war, looting and other forms of violence, are still useful for the conquest of natural and human resources across the world .

The truth is that capitalism as the years pass it becomes increasingly irrational, its contradictions are more acute. Marx and Engels described For over a century, capitalism has profoundly revolutionized society, which has relentlessly destroyed every one of the barriers that society placed before him, developed the World Market, united the world into a global contradictory unity, the World Capitalist System , given a cosmopolitan character to production, distribution and consumption of material goods and spiritual permanently revolutionized science and technology applied to production, has developed intensely social division of labor between town and country, between manual and intellectual work, between the imperialist centers and dependent countries.

Capitalism united nations scattered fiefdoms and small territorial political units in larger areas known as national states, the same today and become reduced to the transnational bourgeoisie, so this is to create larger spaces for commercial and capital flow, European Union and the FTAA are two proposals. The bourgeoisie created the modern representative state, based on formal equality of citizens, constitutional ideals, democratic and liberal. However

Scientific Socialism parents warned us that these processes at all times have been based on the brutal exploitation, oppression and subordination of the class trabajadora. El Sistema Capitalista Mundial, que algunos manipuladores han denominado la “Aldea Global” por eso de la supuesta novedad de la Globalización (para algunos autores como Samir Amin e Immanuel Wallerstein este proceso tiene más de 500 años, desde la conquista de América por Europa), no es otra cosa que un sistema en el cual un reducido grupo de burgueses habitantes de no más de 10 países, explotan al resto de los seis mil millones de habitantes del planeta que viven en más de 190 países. La riqueza de los países más ricos se sostiene sobre la miseria de los países más pobres, la riqueza que acumula la burguesía es inversamente proporcional a pobreza de los trabajadores y las trabajadoras. Today

capitalism in this new crisis, threatening shown to the people, before the working class, peasants, petty bourgeoisie, women, youth, minorities, indigenous peoples, as for the middle class are the down those who must pay the piper. The world bourgeoisie is ready to move against the gains of workers and working to restore their profit rates. The world bourgeoisie is determined to use the war as a mechanism to revive their economies and to conquer new territories for capitalist exploitation. However

as claimed by the Italian Marxist Lucio Colletti (1975):

"... with capitalism is prepared, according to Marx, the conditions of the liberation of man: huge increase in labor productivity (albeit in the form of "intensification" of the exploitation of the workforce), destruction of local limits and national unification of the world (albeit in the form of "market" world), socialization of men, or its unification with the genre (even through the formation of the industrial proletariat). " (P. 197)

Thus workers and workers must critically appropriate knowledge of this situation to raise their levels of consciousness, to take an organized and militant role of protagonists of the revolution. The proletariat must assume that it is he who moves the world today, absolutely everything you see, everything around us is a product of collective work or nature.

Today in these times of global crisis of capitalism, insist, the working class must strengthen their awareness and organization to implement the best defense against the oligarchies, the revolutionary offensive to underpin the construction of a new hegemony, a new power, the authentic socialism. Remember these words spoken by Marx and Engels (2006) for more than 160 years

"The existence and the predominance of the middle class are essential for the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few individuals, training and constant increase of capital and this in turn can not exist without paid work. Presupposes wage labor inevitably competition between the laborers themselves. The progress of industry, which are automatic and spontaneous channel to the bourgeoisie, imposing, rather than the isolation of the workers for the audience, their revolutionary by the organization. And so, to develop modern industry, the bourgeoisie is staggering under their feet, the basis on which produces and appropriates products. And at the same time progresses, cava his grave and raising their own gravediggers. His death and the triumph of the proletariat are equally inevitable. " (P. 30)

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