Friday, June 12, 2009

Incest German Gallery

Party The limits of the opposition


published in 1957 in Buenos Aires, Ediciones seal the unknown Antloy, a collective volume entitled Review of communism. In contrast to the proliferation of such title volumes saturated by rhetoric empty of the cold war, there is interesting work reproduced critics of the Soviet regime from socialist perspectives, sometimes moderate (social), other radical (anarchist, advice ...), in a broad spectrum ranging from Rosa Luxemburg to Otto Bauer, through authors such as Ernst Toller, Carlo Roselli, Herbert Read and Waldo Frank. No indication of the compiler, although there is a preface signed by Octavio Rodríguez Maure. There was published the text of Serge, indeed fragment of the article "Les Oposittions in the USSR" (1945), included in Le Nouvel Imperialism Russe.
some conclusions are imposed after the advent of Stalinist totalitarianism and the total extermination of the Bolsheviks. 1, Soviet Russia was, after Spain, the country that offered the most stubborn and bloody resistance to Nazi totalitarianism. 2 ° On the whole, the opposition Communists since 1920 have fought against the tendency of the totalitarian system in Russia, without a clear awareness of it, except in exceptional cases. 3 ° The other parties of the Russian Revolution saw the danger before the Bolsheviks, but the fact that the most stubborn resistance was that of the Bolsheviks themselves. 4 ° This resistance was so unyielding that concludes with a complete extermination. There was then an absolute incompatibility between the socialist mentality of the men of the revolution and the new despotism.

certainly can not help thinking that the difficult victory of totalitarianism was by no means something fatal and that the revolutionaries who rebelled against him constantly, had they been more clear (and this was possible: the individual language was more explicit equity and policy documents), if they had been less divided, could have given the USSR in another direction. Also recognize that the bureaucracy found in Stalin a great boss, while mediocre but smart enough and a rare strength of character. Acting semi-paralyzed by the oppositional a passionate feeling threatened party loyalty, and a Marxist ideology that had become inadequate in a time of huge technological revolution that has seen as the twentieth century, who knew thoroughly, he could not predict the movement of forces Social caused by the developments of modern industry and the advantages it offers to tyranny. The Bolshevik oppositionists took the optimism of the socialist movement in general, not expected that collectivism could serve to establish a crusher labor exploitation and terrible. The emotional commitment to the revolution made the slightest doubt about its success appear as heresy which had to be punished. When he who had pronounced the exclusion and deportation of his comrades "of little faith" (these words were used superabundantly) he began to doubt himself, other oppositionists accused him in turn. That lasted until the day they were no longer only a very small number of true socialists. Armed with a strong doctrinal education, successive oppositions were divided by resentment and grudges of persecuted theorists. The left had denounced the right and able to facilitate a shift towards the restoration of capitalism. The right had denounced "adventurism" and eclecticism intellectual "Trotskyism." It was necessary to crush common for one and another to understand that the vital issue was political in nature: that of freedom of opinion, the minimum of democracy and the mortal danger was no enrichment or otherwise moderate rural, or international solidarity more or less intransigent, or ways of conceiving the industrialization of a poor country, but in the growth of absolute despotism and inhuman.

The socialist opposition were excellent, educated and full of spirit of sacrifice. All of them had ever had to choose between the prosecution and the quiet life of a career government and deliberately renounced all privileges. Jacobinism distorted Marxist humanism. He was authoritarian, intransigent to intolerance, disciplined to accept the postponement of forgetfulness and individual conscience. Jacobinism had resulted in the undermining action against the empire, then the task of taking power, later in the civil war and even reconstruction.
huge hit last but with large losses that should have been to think more deeply, as the failure of War Communism, the tragedy of Kronstadt, the suffocation and the anvil of serious criticism, and the extermination of the other movements Socialists. The successes and failures established between the opposition and power, common responsibilities. For too long believed that the machine was in good condition and that was enough to change the mechanics to make everything better. Trotsky died with the idea of \u200b\u200b"workers' state with bureaucratic deformations" as he termed the current situation in Russia. In Russia, only in 1932, he begins to understand that the machine itself was humanly intolerable. At that time, the men of the opposition of right and left, they were reconciled.

From 1920-21, the masses bear the party more than they suspected. The party knew that their isolation would last until the return of a certain well. Fearing the country's opinion, denied the word. It is commonly said: "Let talk a little bit, and the petty counter (the farmer in particular) will be speaking ... We will be razed. Then comes a kind of fascism. " Was plausible. But for the state of siege and silent, passive and reactionary elements were also installed in all the shootings and state-party gear.

The leftist opposition, the boldest, not ever dared to go beyond a program of gradual democratization of the Party and some unions. Not daring to risk contact the country, appealing to him, was perhaps the most serious fault and suicidal. The fetishism of the game explains this lack. No one was neither "party member, or citizen, it was partiletz, a" man of the match, "a sacred piece of that package that Bukharin had called a day" cohort of iron "and in fact was only bureaucratic apparatus soulless office dehumanized and a mass of privileged children.

rebellions were deep humanism and old. He had said from the beginning of the revolution Gorky's struggle against terror, for Ryazanov's insistence on calling for the abolition of penalty death by the efforts of Kamenev to safeguard a minimum of freedom for the thought form and support to the young Soviet literature until 1927. I have met many militant Bolsheviks never ceased not to be outraged by the rigors Jacobins. The cult of the leader only gets to impose totalitarianism. Trotsky was not the "boss" even the uncontested leader of the leftist opposition. Itself was loved and listened as a fearless intelligence and a certain character, but it was discussed with no sign of violence. Defeated and imprisoned, the left adopted the term "Bolshevik-Leninist" in order to affirm their desire to orthodoxy. But very soon divides into two streams: the old orthodox, who dreamed of a true return to the ideal Bolshevism, and researchers who believed it necessary to raise the great and fundamental freedom issues ...
Mexico, July 1945

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