Thursday, June 11, 2009

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showering praise Obama and ulterior motives in reaching out to Muslims

Thierry Meyssan Réseau Voltaire
translated for Rebelión by Caty R.

The U.S. president has reached out to Muslims in the media delivered a major speech in Cairo. Thus seeks to move the page disastrous "crusade" Bush's Greater Middle East. However, in this exercise in public relations, lyrical boasting replaced the necessary clarifications, appear as new appetites of Washington.

The speech delivered by President Obama on June 4 in Cairo (1) was submitted in advance for communication services in the White House as "founder of a new era." In fact, it has been the subject of an intense promotional campaign that ended with an email sent by David Axelrod to dozens of millions of subscribers from the list of White House (2). Councilor image of Barack Obama asked Americans to watch the video of the speech, he said, marks a new beginning in U.S. relations with the Muslim world (3). Understand that this speech is addressed, or more, American voters as Muslims.

Its main message can be summarized as follows: United States no longer considers Islam as the enemy and want to establish relations of mutual interest with Muslim states. That message should be taken for what it is: a public relations slogan.

examine the speech point by point

In a lengthy introduction, he developed his main message of the outstretched hand. Barack Hussein Obama
justified the break with his predecessor for his own personality. Offered a moment of excitement to his audience in the style of Hollywood movies. He spoke of his Muslim father, his adolescents in Indonesia, the country's most populous Muslim world and its social work in Chicago near black Muslim populations.

So, after making us believe that U.S. foreign policy was based on skin color of its chairman, wants to convince us that reflects his own career. But nobody thinks that Obama is an autocrat who can impose their moods. All are aware that U.S. policy is the result of a difficult consensus among its elites. In this case, the change in rhetoric is imposed by a series of military defeats in Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan. United States no longer considers Muslim peoples enemies because it has failed to crush them.

That realism led, in 2006, the revolt of the generals around Brent Scowcroft, who lamented the failed colonization of Iraq and warned of a military disaster in Iran. Continued with the Baker-Hamilton Commission, which called for negotiations with Syria and Iran to go out with heads held high the Iraq fiasco. That realism forced President Bush to sack Donald Rumsfeld and replaced by Robert Gates, Scowcroft's disciple and member of the Baker-Hamilton Commission. That realism is reflected in the publication of the research agency which confirmed there was no military program Iranian nuclear and thus destroyed any possible justification for a war against Iran.

Still on the subject of great love regained, President Obama was presented as a history buff and beat the contributions of Islamic civilization to the world. In Hollywood films, there's a scene on the cultural diversity that enriches us. However, the scenario is focused on the woeful ignorance of the American public. Obama and his team have reduced the contribution of the current Muslim peoples inventions after its Islamization. Do not set up anything before? Looking

reducing the history of Muslim peoples exclusively for the Islamic period, Barack Obama refused millennia of civilization and took the rhetoric of the most obscurantist Islamists. We will see that there is an error, but a strategic choice.

Finally, President Obama played the main menu to call on his listeners to rethink their perception of the United States. "We are shaped by all cultures, from all over the world, and we favor a simple concept: 'E pluribus unum' (many people in one), 'he said. This motto, expressing the unity of the new independent American colonies, now becomes the global empire. No only the United States no longer considered enemy Muslim peoples, but also seeks to integrate into the global empire.

Moreover, this is the reason why the Washington establishment supported the candidacy of Barack Hussein Obama. The name Muslim president, as their skin color, are arguments to convince the peoples of the empire that dominates the power that groups them. When he extended his empire, ancient Rome did the same, and chose his emperors in distant parts, like the Arab Filippo (4). The savagery of the legions had not changed.

1 .- The global war against terrorism

After that mellifluous violin part, President Obama spun his introduction to the "global war on terrorism." Thus, a distinction between Islam, which is not evil as they thought Bush and Cheney, but good, and the extremists who are everywhere are always the bad. The thought remains a Manichean, but it moves the cursor.
The problem is that for eight years, Washington is striving to make an opponent of its size. After the USSR was Islam. But if neither the Communists nor the Muslims are the enemies against whom America is at war? Answer: "Al Qaeda has chosen to kill without mercy, claiming the attacks and continues to affirming their determination to commit more massacres on a massive scale. This organization has members in many countries and intends to expand its range. This is not to debate opinions, but facts to fight. " No, Mr. President, not the facts proved, but the allegations to be discussed (5).

Barack Obama continued: "Our greatest wish is to repatriate our soldiers at all, if we were sure that Afghanistan and now Pakistan, extremist elements do not host willing to kill as many Americans as possible. But this is still not the case. "

At this point, President appears locked in a vicious circle. Explains that the enemies are not Muslims in general, but a handful of unrepresentative individuals, and then he says you have to fight this handful of individuals fighting a war against Muslim peoples. That is the whole problem: Washington would be friends of Muslims, but he needs an enemy to justify their military actions and for the moment, has not found a scapegoat for replacement.

2 .- The Arab-Israeli conflict

Barack Obama addressed the issue of Palestine more extensive than their predecessors and recognized not only an Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but Israeli-Arab also. Pro did not say how, from his point of view, concerns the Arab countries. Strongly advocated by the "two-state solution", but avoided the awkward question of the nature of these two states. Is the two sovereign and democratic in the true sense of the word, or a state for Jews and another for Palestinians as claiming the "left" Israel, which involves institutionalizing ethnic cleansing and apartheid absolute? (6).

Rather than eliminate the uncertainties, President Obama chose to give his audience a new "emotional scene" in which he expressed his compassion for the sufferings of the Palestinians. Actually that was the most abject time of his speech: the call to the good feelings of the victims to cover up the crimes of the executioner.

President said: "The Palestinians must renounce violence. The resistance in the form of violence and killings will not work. In the United States, blacks suffered the whip when they were slaves, humiliation and discrimination. But was not allowed violence that achieve equal rights in their entirety. It was firm and peaceful perseverance in the basic ideals of the very creation of the United States. The same story can be told of the people from the south Africa to South Asia, from Eastern Europe to Indonesia. It is a story with a simple truth: violence does not lead anywhere. Launch rockets against Israeli children who sleep or kill elderly on a bus is not a demonstration of courage and strength. " Barack Obama

caricatures the Palestinian resistance in terms of Zionist propaganda: the rockets being fired into sleeping children and elderly who die in a bus. Recognizes that land and the homes of Palestinians are employed, but forbids them to use force to recover it from the civilians who occupy them. Obama criticizes the Palestinians not to use cruise missiles to achieve the objectives military and bring them into line with falling crude rockets blindly.

But the worst is yet to come. President Obama becomes teacher, asked the victims to renounce violence and advised to take example of the movement of black Americans for civil rights. Ultimately, it was not making whites as King scored, but involving international public opinion. Then, President Johnson was forced to give up to give a good image in front of the USSR. After receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Martin Luther King continued the fight stating that his goal was not that blacks could serve in the army as whites to kill Vietnamese aspiring to freedom. Just after that intervention in Riverside was when Johnson closed the doors of the White House and FBI chiefs decided to kill him. Without any doubt, if King were still alive, today would say that their goal is not to permit access to the office a black oval for killing Iraqis or Pakistanis who aspire to freedom.

3 .- The denuclearization

Noting the difficult relations with Iran, Obama opted out by the tangent of the controversy over nuclear weapons. After recognizing Iran's right to acquire civil nuclear industry and acknowledge that neither the U.S. nor any other power has authority moral to authorize or prohibit a State having the bomb, called for global nuclear disarmament, including also, implicitly, to Israel.
know that the Pentagon does not have the financial means to keep the nuclear arms race and negotiations in this regard with Russia and China. That should not be construed as a pacifist impulse at the same time, the Pentagon is investigating miniature atomic weapons (excluding the NPT) and strengthening its military alliances like NATO. 4 .-

Democracy President Obama regretted that his predecessor believed it was possible to export democracy to Iraq force, then made a compliment of the government of the people by the people and the rule of law. A joke for those who remember that the United States Constitution does not recognize the sovereignty of the people, and that in 2000, the Supreme Court could declare elected George W. Bush clarification before the counting of Florida. The statement had the air of a farce from a crooked politician who has just confirmed the suspension of fundamental freedoms by the Patriot Act, in particular the suspension of habeas corpus, which he described recently as the basis of justice. Cruelty to the Egyptians who did not have the privilege of being part of the 3,000 guests. While Obama went "We must hold on to power by the people's consent, not coercion," they think of President Mubarak, unchanged since 28 years ago. As Obama continued, "We must respect the rights of minorities and participate in a spirit of tolerance and compromise," they think of the spiritual Copts (Christians of Egypt, N. T) who had just slaughtered animals.
To prevent this passage is disturbed by fits of nervous laughter, an anonymous voice in the room shouted "Barack Obama, we love you!" Just missing the girl with bouquet of flowers in hand.

5 .- Religious freedom

Barack Hussein Obama was particularly comfortable in the chapter on religious freedom. It is a proven effective slogan. For two years, Madeleine Albright prepared this time. Observed that the resistance to U.S. imperialism is often structured by religious groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon or Hamas in Palestine. Therefore concluded that the U.S. should not leave unattended the field, and even completely reverse it. In a book dedicated to this issue, Albright advocated that the United States to become the protector of all religions (7). In this regard, President Obama reminded the minority Christian Copts and Maronites, and then called reconciliation, in Islam, Sunnis and Shiites. Also in the same sense neglected the pre-Islamic history of Muslim peoples.

6 .- The rights of women

With pleasure, Barack Hussein Obama allowed himself the luxury of recalling that his country guarantees the right of Muslim women to wear the veil, while Nicolas Sarkozy banned in schools French at the time wanted to be more neocon than Bush (8). And while lecturing Obama, the White House Web editing a special article showing American jurisprudence.
With skill, the president recalled In some cases Muslim states are pioneers in women's rights: "In Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia, have seen most Muslim countries have elected women to lead, while the struggle for equality for women continues in many aspects of American life and in countries around the world. "

7 .- Economic development

saved for the final question of economic development, though the most important. Usually, the great powers change immediate assistance disproportionate long-term benefits. Thus, development assistance is the Trojan Horse of the plunder of resources. However, during the election campaign, concluded a bipartisan agreement on the reorientation of U.S. foreign policy. The main idea expressed by the Commission as Armitage-Nye, is to win the hearts and minds by offering services that transform the lives of people without costing too expensive (9). Hillary Clinton has already made an explicit reference during the meeting of the Senate for confirmation as secretary of state.

Wearing Santa Claus smile, Barack Obama recited a lovely list of promises. He continued: "New names sent scientists to be responsible for working on programs to bring about new energy sources, create green jobs, scanned the records and files, purify water and produce new crops. In the field of health worldwide, today announced a new initiative of the Islamic Conference Organization to eradicate polio and intensify our partnerships with Muslim communities to improve maternal and child health. " That reminds us of the commitments of the Millennium Summit, which President Clinton announced the imminent end of poverty and disease.

U.S. president concluded his speech by quoting the Koran fluid, the Talmud and the Gospels. His message is summarized in the fact that "The inhabitants of the world can live together and peace. We know that this is the vision of God. Now it is our task on earth "This reference probably triple beat because of the place, a prestigious Islamic university. You can also see that reflects a certain uneasiness. In the midst of economic recession, the U.S. no longer has the means to maintain pressure on the oil fields of the Greater Middle East, more so does not have the means to carry out their promises. However, the U.S. is hoping to rebuild its strength soon. But at this stage must freeze any regional developments can bring only disadvantages. U.S. fears especially the expansion of the Turkish and Iranian influence and the emergence Russia and China in the region. Define peace in a religious, not political, it always means to buy time.

(1) Obama Speech in Cairo (in English)

(2) "A New Beginning - Watch the President's Speech", David Axelrod, June 4, 2009.

(3) Video available on the website of the White House.

(4) Filippo the Arab was Syrian. He was emperor of Rome from 244 to 249.

(5) The Secretary of State Colin Powell promised to present a report on the 11-S to the General Assembly of the United Nations to establish that they had been victims of external aggression. That document never was developed. The only information known to U.S. authorities had accused Afghanistan, then Iraq and invoked self-defense to attack. View L'effroyable imposture, by Thierry Meyssan, 2002. In English "The Big Lie."

(6) "The" solution à deux États "be well celle de l'apartheid, Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire, 13 January 2008. At the end is the preparatory document of the Annapolis Conference pointed out by Barack Obama, who defines "Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people and Palestine as the homeland of the Palestinian people"

(7) The Mighty and the Almighty: Reflections Faith on God and World Affairs, Madeleine Albright, Pan Books, 2007, 324 pp. Will appreciate the English pun: "The mighty and the Almighty" referring to U.S. President and God.

(8) "Nicolas Sarkozy will stir voile islamique», Réseau Voltaire, 19 January 2004.

(9) "Washington's decrees a trevo an globale», Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire, December 3, 2007 In English, "Washington declares a year of global ceasefire."
original text in French:

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